Spectral truncation | Grid (lats pole to eq) | Grid type | Resolution at equator (npts at eq. / spacing) | Wave model latitude spacing | Recommended timestep (min) | Application |
Tco1279 | O1280 | cubic oct / _4 | 5136 / 8km / 0.070o | 0.125o | 7.5 | Operational forecast resolution (43r3) |
Tl1279 | N640 | linear reduced / l_2 | 2560 / 16km / 0.141o | 0.25o | 10 | Operational forecast resolution (40r1) |
Tl1023 | N512 | linear reduced / l_2 | 2048 / 20km / 0.176o | 0.25o | 10 | - |
Tco799 | O800 | cubic oct / _4 | 3216 / 12.5km / 0.112o | 0.125o | 12 | - |
Tl799 | N400 | linear reduced / l_2 | 1600 / 25km / 0.225o | 0.36o | 12 | - |
Tco639 | O640 | cubic oct / _4 | 2576 / 16km / 0.140o | 0.25o | 12 | Operational ensemble resolution (43r3) |
Tl639 | N320 | linear reduced / l_2 | 1280 / 31km / 0.281o | 0.36o | 15 | ERA-5 high resolution |
Tl511 | N256 | linear reduced / l_2 | 1024 / 39km / 0.352o | 0.50o | 15 | - |
Tco399 | O400 | cubic oct / _4 | 1616 / 25km / 0.223o | 0.36o | 15 | - |
Tl399 | N200 | linear reduced / l_2 | 800 / 50km / 0.45o | 1.0o | 20 | Operational ensemble resolution (40r1) |
Tco319 | O320 | cubic oct / _4 | 1296 / 31km / 0.278o | 0.36o | 15 | Seasonal system 5 |
Tl319 | N160 | linear reduced / l_2 | 640 / 63km / 0.563o | 1.0o | 20 | ERA-5 ensemble |
Tco255 | O256 | cubic oct / _4 | 1040 / 39km / 0.346o | 0.50o | 20 | - |
Tl255 | N128 | linear reduced / l_2 | 512 / 78km / 0.703o | 1.0o | 45 | ERA-Interim; Seasonal system 4 |
Tq213 | N160 | quadratic reduced / _2 | 640 / 63km / 0.563o | 1.0o | 20 | - |
Tco199 | O200 | cubic oct / _4 | 816 / 49km / 0.44o | 1.0o | 20 | - |
Tco159 | O160 | cubic oct / _4 | 656 / 61km / 0.55o | 1.0o | 20 | - |
Tl159 | N80 | linear reduced / l_2 | 320 / 125km / 1.125o | 1.5o | 60 | ERA-40 |
Tq106 | F80 | quadratic reduced / _2 | 320 / 125km / 1.125o | 1.5o | 60 | - |
Tco95 | O96 | cubic oct / _4 | 400 / 100km / 0.9o | 1.0o | 30 | - |
Tl95 | N48 | linear reduced / l_2 | 192 / 209km / 1.875o | 3.0o | 60 | - |
Tq63 | F48 | quadratic reduced / _2 | 192 / 209km / 1.875o | 3.0o | 60 | - |
Tq42 | F32 | quadratic regular / _full | 128 / 313km / 2.813o | 3.0o | 30 | Development/testing only |
Tq21 | F16 | quadratic regular / _full | 64 / 626km / 5.625o | 3.0o | 30 | Development/testing only |
- Grid type suffix refers to the file suffix used at the end of filenames for the OpenIFS/IFS climatology files. It is also used as an argument to the 'gaussgr' command, see 4.5 OpenIFS: Grid tools.
- The 'cubic' grid rather than 'cubic octahedral' is not listed here as it's infrequently used, the suffix for these files is '_3'.
- T21 and T42 use the Eulerian dynamical core and a regular Gaussian grid.
- Tco denotes cubic octahedral grid, Tl denotes a linear grid, Tq denotes a quadratic grid.
- Other resolutions not listed here may be provided with the OpenIFS climatology files.