- Created by Unknown User (nagc), last modified on Sept 04, 2020
There are several programs distributed with OpenIFS that can be useful in working with the grids used by the model. These are documented here.
All these programs except for 'gaussgr' are compiled executables, build when the OpenIFS model is compiled. By default, after compilation, they can be found in the 'make' directory in the build sub-directory pointed to by the OIFS_COMP & OIFS_BUILD environment variables. e.g. for OIFS_COMP=gnu, OIFS_BUILD=opt, the compiled executables are found in 'make/gnu-opt/oifs/bin'.
Number of latitudes in a grid: gaussgr
The command 'gaussgr' returns the number of latitudes between the pole and the equator for a given input resolution and grid type. It is a bash script and can be found in the 'bin' directory of the OpenIFS distribution.
% gaussgr -h Usage: gaussgr -r resol -g gtype resol : spectral truncation wavenumber gtype should be one of: l_2 - linear reduced (default) l_full - linear regular (full) _2 - quadratic reduced _full - quadratic regular (full) _3 - cubic reduced _4 - cubic octahedral
For grid types, see 4.3 OpenIFS: Horizontal Resolution and Configurations
% gaussgr -r 95 -g _4 96
% gaussgr -r 511 -g l_2 256
Get resolution of GRIB files: getres
This command will provide all resolution information by reading OpenIFS GRIB files (both initial files and model output files).
Note getres.exe is a compiled program provided with OpenIFS and not a Bash script.
% getres.exe -h GETRES VERSION 1.0 getres -s spfile -g gpfile -p path [-o out] delivers : INPUT_RESOL, INPUT_LEVELS, INPUT_GTYPE spfile = input spectral file (required) gpfile = input grid-point file (required) path = dirpathname of resol-table file out = output filename (default:"result"
The command expects the location of the 'resolution: res' files provided with in the 'ifsdata' directory. It helps if the OpenIFS environment variable OIFS_DATA_DIR is set (see the file oifs-config.sh in the OpenIFS distribution).
% getres.exe -s ICMSHhah0INIT -g ICMGGhah0INIT -p $OIFS_DATA_DIR/rtables GETRES VERSION 1.0 OUTPUT FILENAME IS "./result" PATH openifs/ifsdata/43r3/rtables/rtable_4095 INPUT_RESOL= 95 INPUT_LEVELS= 60 INPUT_GTYPE= _4
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