Gallery includeLabel tc_pam_oper sort name title TC Metgrams from Pam (Operational)
3.4 Monthly forecasts
The plots below show the strike probability of tropical storms for the week 9-15 March.
Gallery includeLabel tc_act1 sort name title Strike probability for tropical storms
The next set of plots are normalised tropical cyclone energy for the 9-15 March. The forecast from 26 February and onwards had more than a doubling of the energy compared to climatology.
Gallery includeLabel tc_act2 sort name title Normailsed TC energy
The plots below show the MJO forecasts. The developments of the tropical cyclones during the week 9-15 March was connected to a very strong MJO event.
Gallery includeLabel mjo sort name title MJO forecasts
3.5 Comparison with other centres