Obtaining initial files

To request start data for OpenIFS, please contact openifs-support@ecmwf.int with the following information:

  • Resolution required (e.g. T159, T255, etc)
  • Grid type: Tl - linear grid; Tco - cubic octahedral (OpenIFS 43r3 onwards only)
  • Start date(s) (e.g. 2015/11/01 to 2015/11/05)
  • Run length
  • Data source (ERA-Interim, ERA-5, Operational analyses)

Requests will be dealt with as quickly as possible depending on the size of the request and system load at ECMWF.

To ensure correctly balanced initial conditions the preferred way of obtaining data to start the model is via openifs-support@ecmwf.int who will respond to reasonable requests quickly. ECMWF is developing a web portal to enable OpenIFS users to generate their own initial conditions. This is preferable to users creating their own system as it ensures the integrity of the initial states used for OpenIFS.

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