There is 2 ways you can access and visualise your ODB data using Magics
- Using odb_filter to filter your ODB and odb_geopoints or odb_vectors to set-up the information needed by magics to visulise.
- odb_filter will create a smaller ODB data by applying an SQL request on your input ODB data . The result is a smaller odb with only the few columns needed for visualisation , typically lat/lon/value for Symbol plotting or lat/lon/u/v/value for wind or coloured wind plotting.
- odb_geopoints and odb_vectors can be seen as accessors of ODB data, explaining to Magics++ how to interpret the columns.
- Using the ODB python interface to select the needed columns as arrays, then can them be transformed in numpy arrays, eventually manipulated and passed to Magics for visualisation.
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