Subject: Discontinuation of MACC_GFAS FTP service, 1 March 2018
Dear CAMS GFAS user,
You currently have access to the CAMS Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) near-real-time analyses through the CAMS FTP dissemination service.
In September 2017, it was found that due to historical reason, analysis date and time values were encoded incorrectly in MACC_GFAS file and directory names under /DATA/MACC_GFAS/.
To fix this problem and to improve metadata encoded in file headers, a new parallel dissemination stream called CAMS_GFAS was created. You have been granted access, the stream is available under /DATA/CAMS_GFAS/.
OPTIONAL EXAMPLE (to describe explicitly what is in the files and how the data is described in file headers)
This file contains the analysis from 28 November between 00:00 - 23:59 analysis:
/DATA/CAMS_GFAS/20171128> ls *frpfire.grib
-rw-r--r-- 1 anonymou ec 25920120 Nov 29 05:18 z_cams_c_ecmf_20171128000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib
> grib_ls -p date,time,step z_cams_c_ecmf_20171128000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib
date time step
20171128 0 0-24
GFAS data will be available in the new stream at the same time as in the existing MACC_GFAS stream. If you are still planning the use the GFAS FTP access service in the future please migrate your acquisition scripts to the CAMS_GFAS stream as MACC_GFAS will be discontinued on 1st March 2018.
The CAMS GFAS data remains of course open and free under the CAMS Licence agreement. If you have not yet accepted the licence, we encourage you to do it now, right at the bottom of the following page:
Finally, we would like to take the oppaortunity to remind you that the recommended method of accessing GFAS data is through the ECMWF data server. This provides access to all GFAS data, and data is available immediately after production. The CAMS FTP dissemination service for GFAS is provided only for the convenience of users who cannot use the ECMWF data server (either via the interactive web interface or through the ECMWF WebAPI). The FTP service is limited to only the latest seven days of GFAS analyses, and new data becomes available with several hours delay compared to the ECMWF data server.
More information about GFAS data is available at:
CAMS Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) data documentation
and instructions on how to download GFAS data using the ECMWF Web-API is available at:
Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Copernicus User Support Service Desk at:
Copernicus User Support at ECMWF