mnetcdf (python) pnetcdf(fortran)
Magics++ is capable of reading NetCDF data files.
A family of netcdf parameters enable the user to define how to interpret the netcdf.New in 2.31.0
From this version, Magics can understand data represented in a projection different than the traditional latlon.The NetCDF header should just contain the proj4 string representing the projection used to describe the data. This is still a very early stage, but contact us if you are interested in such a functionality.
Example of metadata (ncdump):
double x(x) ;
x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
x:long_name = "x coordinate of projection" ;
x:units = "m" ;
double y(y) ;
y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
y:long_name = "y coordinate of projection" ;
y:units = "m" ;
float accumulation(duration, y, x) ;
accumulation:long_name = "observed 24-hour rainfall accumulation" ;
accumulation:_fillvalue = -9999.f ;
accumulation:units = "mm" ;
accumulation:grid_mapping = "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area" ;
// global attributes:
:datatype = "operaGrid" ;
:time = "09/01/2017 12:00:00" ;
:conventions = "CF-1.5" ;
:projection = "+proj=laea +lat_0=55.0 +lon_0=10.0 +x_0=1950000.0 +y_0=-2100000.0 +units=m +ellps=WGS84" ;
:grid_corners = -10.4345768386404, 31.7462153193251, -39.5357864125034, 67.0228327583087, 57.8119647501499, 67.6210371027505, 29.421038635578, 31.987650277945 ;
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