Metview runs FLEXPART in a temporary directory. Having finished the simulation Metview converts and rename the output files and move them into the Output Path directory specified in the FLEXPART Run icon.
Gridded outputs
Gridded outputs are converted to grib using a built-in local grib definition by Metview.
Concentration fields are only produced for forward simulations when Output Field Type is set to conc or both in FLEXPART Run.
The output filename is: cons_sSSS.grib where SSS is the species number (with leading zeros).
Options in FLEXPART Run | Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | contouring units |
receptor_units=mass | mass concentration | conc | kg m**-3 | ng m**-3 | |
receptor_units=mixr | mass mixing ratio | mixr | kg kg**-1 | ppt (mass) |
Dry and wt deposition
It is only produced for forward simulations when Output Field Type is set to conc, mixr or both in FLEXPART Run.
Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | contouring units |
dry deposition | kg m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ||
wet deposition | kg m**-2 | ng m**-2 |
output file | forward or backward | units release_units=mass receptor_units=mass | ||||
concentration | conc_sSSS.grib | forward | ng m**-3 | ppt (mass) | ng m**-3 | ppt (mass) |
dry/wet deposition | conc | fw | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-3 | ng m**-2 |
volume mixing ratio | pptv | fw/bw | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) |
dry/wet deposition | pptv | fw | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 |
response function to emission output | time | bw | s | s m**3 kg**-3 | s kg m**-3 | s |
Wet and dry deposition is always zero in time. In conc and pptv files they are also zero but unless turned on internally (via WETDEP and DRYDEP). Whether WETDEP/DRYDEP is turned on or off depends on the given species.
Gridded flux
- Custom binary format (see fluxoutput.f).
- One file per time step with the following naming convention grid_flux[_nest]_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- Contents: for each ageclass and release the east, west, north, south, bottom and top fluxes.
- It can only be produced for the forward runs
- The units is: ng/m2/s