Metview runs FLEXPART in a temporary directory. Having finished the simulation Metview converts and rename the output files and move them into the Output Path directory specified in the FLEXPART Run icon. FLEXPART produces a variety of outputs whicha re
The output metadata information is stored in a file called header( see writeheader.f)
Gridded outputs
Gridded outputs are converted to grib using a local grib definition built-in into Metview.
- Custom binary format (see concoutput.f).
- One file per time step with the following naming convention grid_<option>[_nest]_<time>_<species> where:
- option: conc | pptv | time
- species: nnn
- Contents: for each ageclass the wet- and dry deposition fields and 3D output for the specified quantity (on height levels).
output file | forward or backward | units release_units=mass receptor_units=mass | ||||
concentration | conc_sSSS.grib | forward | ng m**-3 | ppt (mass) | ng m**-3 | ppt (mass) |
dry/wet deposition | conc | fw | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-3 | ng m**-2 |
volume mixing ratio | pptv | fw/bw | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) | ppt (volume) |
dry/wet deposition | pptv | fw | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 | ng m**-2 |
response function to emission output | time | bw | s | s m**3 kg**-3 | s kg m**-3 | s |
Wet and dry deposition is always zero in time. In conc and pptv files they are also zero but unless turned on internally (via WETDEP and DRYDEP). Whether WETDEP/DRYDEP is turned on or off depends on the given species.
Gridded flux
- Custom binary format (see fluxoutput.f).
- One file per time step with the following naming convention grid_flux[_nest]_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- Contents: for each ageclass and release the east, west, north, south, bottom and top fluxes.
- It can only be produced for the forward runs
- The units is: ng/m2/s