RL .. rotated latlon projection
LC .. Lambert conformal projection
1. Interpolation
RL, LC .. current version cannot handle it
1b) CDO:
RL .. yes (including conversion to NetCDF is asked)
LC .. not
1c) COSMO verification/interpolation package versus:
RL, LC .. yes
1d) MIR (successor of LIBEMOS):
should be able to handle both!
2. Visualization
RL .. some of them yes (mogreps OK, hirlam KO?)
LC .. conversion to geopoints assums always scanningFactor = 64 (= both positive directions)
3. Verification/interpolation package versus (Unknown User (dcesari@arpa.emr.it))
COSMO open source
In order to install the binary package, which will work on any reasonably recent linux x86_64 platform, you need to do the following operations:
# go to the directory where you wish to install the software
tar -zxvf path/to/versus_extra_software-1.4_unibin.tar.gz
cd ves
at this point the installation is complete and you will have, in your home directory, a file called "ves_profile". When you need to use the package in a terminal session or in a batch script you have to "source" once that file, assuming you use bash/ksh, in the following way:
. ~/ves_profile
after this operation you have access, within that session, to all the programs of the package.
For interpolating grib data to a regular lat/lon grid you can use the following command:
vg6d_transform --trans-type=inter --sub-type=bilin \
--type=regular_ll --nx=... --ny=... \
--x-min=... --y-min=... --x-max=... --y-max=... \
inputfile outputfile
where, of course you have to fill the parameters of the target grid, just start vg6d_transform without arguments to see the instructions. The package contains many other tools and utilities for managing grib and observed data, but what I explained here is the minimum required for your purpose.
Full manual downloadable at ftp://ftp.smr.arpa.emr.it/incoming/dav/versus/ves.pdf