The reforecast frequency was changed from once to twice per month (more info available in here).
14-05-2015 ECMWF model upgrade
Upgrade of ECMWF model (more info here). The major change from S2S database point of view is the model running frequency change to twice a week.
XX-YY-2015 CMA added to S2S database
A new model was added to S2S database (more info available in here).
06-05-2015 S2S database launch at ECMWF
The official launch of S2S database (more info available in here).
Near real-time forecasts from four data providers (BoM, ECMWF, JMA and NCEP) have been ingested routinely since January 2015. Two more models are due to be made available before the end of June and all 11 models are intended to be available by the end of 2015.