Draft programme
Day 1:
(conflict with UEF meeting for lecture theatre - joint presentations?)
Council chamber
9.30: Erland: Welcome & introduction (note Erland can only make the first part of the morning as he has another meeting in Hamburg to attend)
9.50 : Glenn/Filip: Welcome, organisation matter workshop programme. (social events, wireless access, computer hall tours etc)
10:00 : Roberto : Ensemble modelling (keynote) OR Tim
Coffee 10.30pm
11.00 : Tim: Uncertainty keynote presentation (joint UEF meeting in lecture theatre) OR Roberto
11.30 : Peter Dueben
11.50 : Nick Klingaman (check with him about time)
12.10 : Aneesh ?
12.30 : Noureddine
Lunch 1300 - 1400 + Computer Hall Tour group 1 (1345)
14.00 : Filip/Glenn : Introduction - computer accounts, login etc.
14.10 : Linus : Met briefing on St Judes storm (Weather room?)
14.30 : Glenn / Filip : OpenIFS forecasts on ECMWF Cray
Tea 15.30pm
16.00 : Sandor - Metview introduction
Filip/Iain - Q & A on OpenIFS / Metview (for those not requiring the metview introduction)
16.30 : Case study - exercise 1
18.00 : Social event - icebreaker (drinks, nibbles & hot snacks). Meet ECMWF scientists
Concourse or atrium & patio (if dry/warm)
Day 2:
9.00 : OpenIFS cray runs - exercises with grib tools (possibly) (Paul)
Preparing files for metview?
10.30 : coffee
11.00 : Case study - exercise 2
13.00 Lunch + computer hall tour group 2
Council chamber
14.00 : Heikki
14.20 : Anne
14.40 : Gabi
15.00 : Victoria
15.30 : tea
16.00 : Practicals - continuation & discussion
17.00 : Depart to Oxford
Day 3:
9.00 : OpenIFS - code experience
9.45 : Case study - exercise 3
10.30 : Coffee
11.00 : Case study - exercise 3 & 4
13.00 : Lunch
14.00 : Discussion on case study: Q&A. Roberto? Linus?
15.00 : Finish