TIGGE research areas
The scope of the GIFS-TIGGE WG covers applied research on ensemble forecasting, including:
- a posteriori calibration in all forms (bias correction, downscaling, etc.);
- combination of ensembles produced by multiple models;
- use of information in control forecasts;
- research to support probabilistic forecast products.
The TIGGE data is also invaluable for a much wider range of research and development, including the fields covered by the two other THORPEX working groups - Data Assimilation and Observing System (DAOS) and Predictability and Dynamical Processes (PDP) - and other WWRP working groups, including the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), Socio-economic Research and Applications (SERA) and the Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research (JWGFVR).
A leaflet about the TIGGE project has been produced by the THORPEX International Project Office and is available here.
Recent Research Work
We have compiled a list of scientific papers, conference papers and other reports of research using TIGGE data.
We encourage all researchers using TIGGE data to inform us, so that we can publicise your work via this page.