This confluence page provides a data catalogue for the SUMMIT 1.4 km NDJF seasonal run performed on the Oak Ridge supercomputer, which serves as a prototype dataset for the Destination Earth project.
The data is accessible via Polytope (see here) or via the ECMWF MARS Web API (see the data landing page and instructions here
Temporal resolution
The output is at 3 hourly resolution. For the purposes of this sample, steps [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27] have been made available. The run start date and time is 2018-11-01, 00:00:00.
More model steps and output variables will be made available as required.
Spatial resolution
The output is provided on one of two types of horizontal grid, both of which correspond to approximately 1.4 km horizontal resolution:
- O8000: ECMWF octahedral (reduced) Gaussian grid with 8000 latitude lines between the pole and equator (global)
- TCO7999: ECMWF spherical harmonics with 7999 spectral components (global)
The grid type for each group of parameters is specified below.
Spherical Harmonics
Data on spherical harmonics cannot be compressed and has a significantly larger file size per field than data on the octahedral grid (around 120MiB compared with around 16MiB).
Prototype Dataset
Please note that the prototype is not yet optimised for serving such high resolution data.
Thus, retrieving data for all model/pressure levels for a parameter on spherical harmonics will lead to a very large file and long wait times (several hours).
Please only retrieve a subset of model/pressure levels for this data for improved retrieval times.
The data on the TCO7999 grid can be truncated or regridded to mirror the output resolution of the HRES forecast.
This is achieved using the following keywords:
To truncate to spectral resolution TCO1279 use:
'truncation' : '1279'
To regrid the data to the octahedral O1280 grid use:
'grid' : 'O1280'
To regrid the data to a regular lat/long 0.1/0.1 degree grid use:
'grid' : '0.1/0.1'
This will improve the download time of the spectral data but reduce the resolution of the data.
Data on the O8000 grid cannot currently be regridded on-the-fly
Please note that data on the O8000 grid cannot currently be regridded on-the-fly and will cause the retrieval to fail.
This is because the size of the interpolation matrices for the O8000 grid becomes too large. A parallel interpolation system is currently in development to deal with this high resolution data.
Output fields
Surface fields
The parameters at surface level are provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:
Update (2023-06-26):
The following additional surface level parameters are now supported with ecCodes version of at least 2.30.0.
The parameters are also provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units |
165 | 10u | 10 metre U wind component | m s**-1 |
166 | 10v | 10 metre V wind component | m s**-1 |
167 | 2t | 2 metre temperature | K |
168 | 2d | 2 metre dewpoint temperature | K |
208 | tsrc | Top net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 |
209 | ttrc | Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 |
212 | tisr | TOA incident short-wave (solar) radiation | J m**-2 |
228141 | sd | Snow depth water equivalent | kg m**-2 |
228228 | tp | Total Precipitation | kg m**-2 |
231002 | rowe | Runoff water equivalent | kg m**-2 |
231005 | peva | Potential evaporation | kg m**-2 |
Parameter units
Layer-based fields
The parameters on "levtype=sol", i.e. those produced from layer-based models (such as soil and ice layers), on the O8000 grid are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units | levels |
260199 | vsw | Volumetric soil moisture | m**3 m**-3 | 1,2,3,4 |
260360 | sot | Soil temperature | K | 1,2,3,4 |
Model level fields
The parameters on model levels (1 to 137; with model level 137 representing the lowest height), on the O8000 grid are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units |
75 | crwc | Specific rain water content | kg kg**-1 |
76 | cswc | Specific snow water content | kg kg**-1 |
133 | q | Specific humidity | kg kg**-1 |
246 | clwc | Specific cloud liquid water content | kg kg**-1 |
247 | ciwc | Specific cloud ice water content | kg kg**-1 |
248 | cc | Fraction of cloud cover | (0 - 1) |
The parameters on model levels (1 to 137; with model level 137 representing the lowest height), on the TCO7999 grid are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units |
54 | pres | Pressure | Pa |
77 | etadot | Eta-coordinate vertical velocity | s**-1 |
129 | z | Geopotential | m**2 s**-2 |
130 | t | Temperature | K |
138 | vo | Vorticity (relative) | s**-1 |
152 | lnsp | Logarithm of surface pressure | Numeric |
155 | d | Divergence | s**-1 |
260238 | wz | Geometric vertical velocity | m s**-1 |
Pressure level fields
The parameters on pressure levels (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000), on the O8000 grid are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units |
60 | pv | Potential vorticity | K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1 |
133 | q | Specific humidity | kg kg**-1 |
The parameters on pressure levels (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000), on the TCO7999 grid are as follows:
paramId | shortName | Name | units |
129 | z | Geopotential | m**2 s**-2 |
130 | t | Temperature | K |
135 | w | Vertical velocity | Pa s**-1 |
138 | vo | Vorticity (relative) | s**-1 |
155 | d | Divergence | s**-1 |
157 | r | Relative humidity | % |
260238 | wz | Geometric vertical velocity | m s**-1 |