Contributors: Hans Gleisner (DMI), Eivind Bengtsson (DMI)

Table of Contents

History of modifications



Description of modification

Chapters / Sections


10/10 2018

First version



20/12 2018

1) Change of title
2) Disclaimer removed
3) Correction of ICDR version number
4) Enhanced description of the user support

Page 2
Page 3, table
Section 5

List of datasets covered by this document

Deliverable ID

Product title

Product type (CDR, ICDR)

Version number

Delivery date


Gridded Tropospheric Humidity Profiles



31/10 2018


  • " -



31/3 2019


  • " -



30/9 2019


  • " -



31/3 2020


  • " -



30/9 2020


  • " -



30/6 2021

Related documents

Reference ID







Climate Data Record


Climate Data Store (under the Copernicus Climate Change Service)


European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts


European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites


Global Positioning System


Interim Climate Data Record


Key Performance Indicator


Radio Occultation


RO Meteorology Satellite Application Facility

General definitions

Scope of the document

This document describes the systems that are used for brokering GPS-RO based gridded monthly mean water vapour products from the ROM SAF to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). It also provides information on the procedures used in the event of problems or outages in the systems, whether planned or unplanned, and information on the provision of user support.

Executive summary

The data products – both the CDR products and the regularly updated ICDR products – are delivered by brokering already existing data from the ROM SAF. The data are made available to the C3S Climate Data Store through an OPeNDAP server at hosted by the DMI. Two identical servers are used for redundancy and as fallback during maintenance. In the case of unforeseen system failures, or other problems affecting data delivery through the OPeNDAP servers, the CDS will be notified as quickly as possible, following any notification procedures requested by the CDS. Back-end user support is provided by a point of contact at DMI, ensuring a response to product related user queries within the allocated time frame and meeting the relevant KPI targets.

1. System overview

1.1 System elements and interfaces

The data products – both the CDR products and the regularly updated ICDR products – are generated and archived outside of this contract (by the EUMETSAT ROM SAF). Hence, this section only describes the interfaces for delivering the data to the C3S CDS.

The C3S CDS can access the gridded monthly mean GPS-RO water vapour data products via DMI's OPeNDAP server at This data server allows users to directly browse and subset data products, and provides additional functionality such as accessing file contents directly via the internet from within data processing scripts. The latter functionality is intended for use by the C3S CDS and similar services working in pull mode.

1.2 Hardware and data server system

The brokered CDR and ICDR products are generated outside of this contract, which means that only the computer infrastructure used for storing and delivering the data to the C3S CDS are relevant.

The original CDR and ICDR products are generated and archived by the ROM SAF. These data are fully backed up and available to users, both internally at DMI and externally to the general public.

DMI hosts two identical servers (Ubuntu 16) which runs THREDDS Data Server (v4.6.11) software providing OPeNDAP server functionality. There are two servers for redundancy. One of them is used as a fallback in case of problems, and during maintenance.

The CDR is copied from the ROM SAF archive to the OPeNDAP servers at project start. The ICDR, which is regularly updated in the ROM SAF archive, is automatically copied to the DMI OPeNDAP servers on a quarterly basis. From the OPeNDAP servers, the data products are publically available (see Section 1.1).

2. Upgrade cycle implementation procedure (not applicable)

The CDR data products are brokered from external sources (the ROM SAF) and released as a single delivery. Therefore this section is not applicable.

3. Procedures for reprocessing CDRs (not applicable)

The CDR data products are brokered from external sources (the ROM SAF) and released as a single delivery. Therefore this section is not applicable.

4. System maintenance and system failures

The data products brokered from the ROM SAF are served to the C3S Climate Data Store (pull mode) from an OPeNDAP server hosted by DMI ( In the following, it is assumed that the primary notification of issues or outages to the end users will be via the CDS.

There are two identical OPeNDAP servers for redundancy. Planned outages of the OPeNDAP servers will primarily be handled by disconnecting one server at a time, and will not affect the availability of data. The rare cases of planned outages that affect both servers, and therefore the availability of data, will as far as possible be communicated to the CDS well in advance. Any notification procedures requested by the CDS will be complied with.

In the case of unforeseen system failures, or other problems affecting data delivery through the OPeNDAP servers, the CDS will be notified as quickly as possible, following any notification procedures requested by the CDS. For longer outages (longer than a few hours) the CDS will be notified again once the issue has been resolved.

It should be noted that on-site support for the computer and data delivery systems related to the present contract is only available during standard DMI working hours.

Issues or outages, whether planned or unplanned, will be documented in the Quarterly Report.

5. User support

5.1 Enquiries

The user (customer) has the possibility to browse and search in the Copernicus Knowledge Base (CKB) (CAMS and C3S Knowledge Base (CKB)) or the Copernicus Climate Data Store desk (!/usersupport). This is known as the level-0 process of User Support.

Figure 1: The schematic of Copernicus User Support (Copernicus User Support Handbook, V2.1)

Contact and User Support process on JIRA service desk

If the level-0 support fails to answer the user's query, they may then make a request, which is sent to the Copernicus User Support (CUS) Service team at ECMWF. These (level-1) requests will be handled within 8 hours.

For any scientific and specialist enquiries that cannot be answered by the CUS team at ECMWF or addressed by the Copernicus Knowledge Base, the request will be forwarded to the Copernicus User Support Specialists (level-2).

Enquiries forwarded to the Copernicus User Support Specialist team will be acknowledged within 3 working days (target 100%) and a notification sent to the user. This step is handled on the JIRA

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1 Service Desk established at ECMWF for the current project. In case of specific scientific issues, the enquiries will be channeled to the ECV and data specialist of the C3S2_312a_Lot1 project and should be resolved within 3 working weeks (target 85%). In case of brokered datasets, the data specialist may choose to contact the responsible team at the provider level if they cannot resolve the issue on their own. In each yearly quarter, we aim for User Support satisfaction scoring 3 in 90% of all voluntary based feedbacks by users, with 1 (very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). We will also list the number of tickets raised by users on the JIRA system in the Quarterly Report.

  1. JIRA: Project management software tool created by Atlassian company


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement signed on 11/11/2014). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.

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