====================== SECTION_8 ( length=4, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 7777 = 7777
#============== MESSAGE 210 ( length=87326 ) ==============
1-4 identifier = GRIB
5-6 reserved = MISSING
7 discipline = 0 [Meteorological products (grib2/tables/11/0.0.table) ]
8 editionNumber = 2
9-16 totalLength = 87326
====================== SECTION_1 ( length=21, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section1Length = 21
5 numberOfSection = 1
6-7 centre = 98 [European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (grib1/0.table) ]
8-9 subCentre = 0
10 tablesVersion = 11 [Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment (grib2/tables/1.0.table) ]
11 localTablesVersion = 0 [Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid (grib2/tables/11/1.1.table) ]
12 significanceOfReferenceTime = 1 [Start of forecast (grib2/tables/11/1.2.table) ]
13-14 year = 2013
15 month = 12
16 day = 12
17 hour = 0
18 minute = 0
19 second = 0
20 productionStatusOfProcessedData = 7 [Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project test (S2S) (grib2/tables/11/1.3.table) ]
21 typeOfProcessedData = 4 [Perturbed forecast products (grib2/tables/11/1.4.table) ]
====================== SECTION_3 ( length=72, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section3Length = 72
5 numberOfSection = 3
6 sourceOfGridDefinition = 0 [Specified in Code table 3.1 (grib2/tables/11/3.0.table) ]
7-10 numberOfDataPoints = 29040
11 numberOfOctectsForNumberOfPoints = 0
12 interpretationOfNumberOfPoints = 0 [There is no appended list (grib2/tables/11/3.11.table) ]
13-14 gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 0 [Latitude/longitude (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree) (grib2/tables/11/3.1.table) ]
15 shapeOfTheEarth = 6 [Earth assumed spherical with radius of 6 371 229.0 m (grib2/tables/11/3.2.table) ]
16 scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = MISSING
17-20 scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = MISSING
21 scaleFactorOfEarthMajorAxis = MISSING
22-25 scaledValueOfEarthMajorAxis = MISSING
26 scaleFactorOfEarthMinorAxis = MISSING
27-30 scaledValueOfEarthMinorAxis = MISSING
31-34 Ni = 240
35-38 Nj = 121
39-42 basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain = 0
43-46 subdivisionsOfBasicAngle = MISSING
47-50 latitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 90000000
51-54 longitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 0
55 resolutionAndComponentFlags = 48 [00110000]
56-59 latitudeOfLastGridPoint = -90000000
60-63 longitudeOfLastGridPoint = 358500000
64-67 iDirectionIncrement = 1500000
68-71 jDirectionIncrement = 1500000
72 scanningMode = 0 [00000000]
====================== SECTION_4 ( length=61, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section4Length = 61
5 numberOfSection = 4
6-7 NV = 0
8-9 productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 11 [Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval (grib2/tables/11/4.0.table) ]
10 parameterCategory = 0 [Temperature (grib2/tables/11/4.1.0.table) ]
11 parameterNumber = 0 [Temperature (K) (grib2/tables/11/ ]
12 typeOfGeneratingProcess = 4 [Ensemble forecast (grib2/tables/11/4.3.table) ]
13 backgroundProcess = 255
14 generatingProcessIdentifier = 144
15-16 hoursAfterDataCutoff = MISSING
17 minutesAfterDataCutoff = MISSING
18 indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange = 1 [Hour (grib2/tables/11/4.4.table) ]
19-22 forecastTime = 24
23 typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 [Specified height level above ground (m) (grib2/tables/11/4.5.table) ]
24 scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
25-28 scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 2
29 typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 [Missing (grib2/tables/11/4.5.table) ]
30 scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING
31-34 scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING
35 typeOfEnsembleForecast = 255 [Missing (grib2/tables/11/4.6.table) ]
36 perturbationNumber = 10
37 numberOfForecastsInEnsemble = 51
38-39 yearOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 2013
40 monthOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 12
41 dayOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 13
42 hourOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 6
43 minuteOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 0
44 secondOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 0
45 numberOfTimeRange = 1
46-49 numberOfMissingInStatisticalProcess = 0
50 typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 [Minimum (grib2/tables/11/4.10.table) ]
51 typeOfTimeIncrement = 2 [Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented (grib2/tables/11/4.11.table) ]
52 indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 [Hour (grib2/tables/11/4.4.table) ]
53-56 lengthOfTimeRange = 6
57 indicatorOfUnitForTimeIncrement = 1 [Hour (grib2/tables/11/4.4.table) ]
58-61 timeIncrement = 0
====================== SECTION_5 ( length=21, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section5Length = 21
5 numberOfSection = 5
6-9 numberOfValues = 29040
10-11 dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 0 [Grid point data - simple packing (grib2/tables/11/5.0.table) ]
12-15 referenceValue = 226.755
16-17 binaryScaleFactor = -17
18-19 decimalScaleFactor = 0
20 bitsPerValue = 24
21 typeOfOriginalFieldValues = 0 [Floating point (grib2/tables/11/5.1.table) ]
====================== SECTION_6 ( length=6, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section6Length = 6
5 numberOfSection = 6
6 bitMapIndicator = 255 [A bit map does not apply to this product (grib2/tables/11/6.0.table) ]
====================== SECTION_7 ( length=87125, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section7Length = 87125
5 numberOfSection = 7
6-87125 codedValues = (29040,87120) {
2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02,
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2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02,
2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02,
2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02,
2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02, 2.5145812988e+02
... 28940 more values
} # data_g2simple_packing codedValues
====================== SECTION_8 ( length=4, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 7777 = 7777