A short in-person meeting was held at the 2022 International Radiation Symposium to discuss progress and priorities for ways forward in our collaboration.
- Robin Hogan's talk on results of the CKDMIP intercomparison so far is here
- As of July 2022, the entire CKDMIP dataset including the Evaluation-2 spectra (previously withheld) are available from https://dissemination.ecmwf.int/ecpds/home/ckdmip/
- Results from MSTRN, PSLACKD, RRTMGP and PyKdis have also recently been added to the CKDMIP results pages
In terms of priorities for then next steps, we agreed that the results so far raised important questions about how best to generate gas-optics schemes, and that we should address these before, say, starting to look at cloudy conditions. Specifically: