This icon defines a projection for a Cartesian-style coordinate system. This should be used for any plot which is not to be displayed on a map. Once the projection has been defined through the axis specification, data points should be provided in this coordinate system.
The macro language equivalent is cartesianview()
The Cartesian View Editor
X Automatic
Determines whether the x-coordinate system should be defined automatically based on the first data to be plotted in the view; if so, the axis will range, left to right, from the minimum to the maximum value in the data. If not, the minimum and maximum values should be specified.
X Axis Type
Determines the type of coordinates on this axis:
- Regular: the values are real-valued numbers
- Date: the values are dates. When invoked from a macro, these can be supplied as date variables; when typing dates into the icon editor, use the Magics notation for writing dates
- Logarithmic: the values are real-valued numbers, but the axis will be displayed on a logarithmic scale
- Geoline: the axis limits should be provided as geographical coordinates; this can be used for displaying cross sections, or other plots where an axis represents a geographical line
X Min
The leftmost value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Regular or Logarithmic.
X Max
The rightmost value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Regular or Logarithmic.
X Min Latitude
The leftmost latitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
X Max Latitude
The rightmost latitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
X Min Longitude
The leftmost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
X Max Longitude
The rightmost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
X Date Min
The leftmost date value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Date.
X Date Max
The rightmost date value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Date.
X Automatic
Determines whether the x-coordinate system should be defined automatically based on the first data to be plotted in the view; if so, the axis will range, left to right, from the minimum to the maximum value in the data. If not, the minimum and maximum values should be specified.
Y Axis Type
Determines the type of coordinates on this axis:
- Regular: the values are real-valued numbers
- Date: the values are dates. When invoked from a macro, these can be supplied as date variables; when typing dates into the icon editor, use the Magics notation for writing dates
- Logarithmic: the values are real-valued numbers, but the axis will be displayed on a logarithmic scale
- Geoline: the axis limits should be provided as geographical coordinates; this can be used for displaying cross sections, or other plots where an axis represents a geographical line
Y Min
The bottom value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Regular or Logarithmic.
Y Max
The uppermost value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Regular or Logarithmic.
Y Min Latitude
The bottom latitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
Y Max Latitude
The uppermost latitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
Y Min Longitude
The bottom longitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
Y Max Longitude
The uppermost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Geoline.
Y Date Min
The bottom date value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Date.
Y Date Max
The uppermost date value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if the axis type is set to Date.