This page is work in progress...
1. Forecast system version
Identifier code: GEM5-NEMO
First operational forecast run: November 30, 2021
2. Configuration of the forecast model
Is the model coupled to an ocean model? Yes
Coupling frequency: every 1/2 hour
2.1 Atmosphere and land surface
Model | GEM |
Horizontal resolution and grid | 283×190 YY-grid points (~110 km) |
Atmosphere vertical resolution | 85 levels |
Top of atmosphere | 0.1 hPa |
Soil levels | 2 |
Time step | 30 minutes |
Detailed documentation: Lin, H., J. Merryfield; R. Muncaster; G. C. Smith; M. Markovic; F. Dupont; F. Roy; J.-F. Lemieux; A. Dirkson; V. V. Kharin; W.-S. Lee; M. Charron, and A. Erfani, 2020: The Canadian Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System Version 2 (CanSIPSv2), Weather and Forecasting. https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-19-0259.1
2.2 Ocean and cryosphere
Ocean model | NEMO |
Horizontal resolution | 1°×1° (1/3 degree meridionally near the equator) |
Vertical resolution | 50 levels |
Time step | 30 minutes |
Sea ice model | CICE |
Sea ice model resolution | Same as NEMO |
Sea ice model levels | 5 ice-thickness categories |
Wave model | N/A |
Wave model resolution | N/A |
Detailed documentation:
3. Initialization and initial condition (IC) perturbations
3.1 Atmosphere and land
Hindcast | Forecast | |
Atmosphere initialization | ERA-5 | GEPS |
Atmosphere IC perturbations | Random isotropic perturbations | Ensemble Kalman Filter |
Land Initialization | Off-line Surface Prediction System (SPS) forced by ERA-5 | SPS forced by the CCMEP analysis |
Land IC perturbations | None | None |
Soil moisture initialization | Off-line Surface Prediction System (SPS) forced by ERA-5 | SPS forced by the CCMEP analysis |
Snow initialization | Off-line Surface Prediction System (SPS) forced by ERA-5 | SPS forced by the CCMEP analysis |
Unperturbed control forecast? | none | none |
Data assimilation method for control analysis:
Horizontal and vertical resolution of perturbations:
Perturbations in +/- pairs:
Detailed documentation:
3.2 Ocean and cryosphere
Hindcast | Forecast | |
Ocean initialization | ORAS5 | CCMEP GIOPS analysis |
Ocean IC perturbations | None | None |
Unperturbed control forecast? | None | None |
Detailed documentation:
4. Model Uncertainties perturbations:
Model dynamics perturbations | None |
Model physics perturbations |
If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed? | No |
Detailed documentation:
5. Forecast system and hindcasts
Forecast frequency | once a month |
Forecast ensemble size | 10 |
Hindcast years | 1990-2020 |
Hindcast ensemble size | 10 |
On-the-fly or static hindcast set? | static |