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Test page for GODEX spreadsheet into Confluence (example test for sheet#7)

SatelliteOld #New#ProductAvailabilityECMWFEUMETSATUKMO




6 satellites

7.2Bending angle, refractivityGTS dissemination began at 18z on 16 March 2020. GTS headers are IUT[A-L]14 KWBC.ECMWF: Assimilating bending angle profiles in operations and reanalysis since 25 March 2020.
Received via GTS. Bending angle assimilated from 14 May 2020Meteo-France: Strong interest when availableOperational use planned in July 2020Intend to useCMA: Refractivity data are assimilated operationally.Strong interest.Mornitoring to assimilate.NCMRWF: Receiving through GTS and assimilatingNOAA/NCEP: receiving via GTS and assimilating.Strong interest. Plan to use in future.Interest to receive.MSC: high interest
7.4Bending angle, refractivity

Launched in May 2018. All GRACE-FO products are managed and distributed through the PO.DAAC data center.

ECMWF: Will monitor and assimilate when available in NRT.
Strong interest, but we understand that there are some problems with the data, so not expected soon.Interest when available
InterestedCMA: Refractivity data are assimilated operationally (TBC)

Interested when available

TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X1.4.47.5Bending angle, refractivity

On the GTS.

ECMWF: Assimilating bending angle profiles in operations and reanalysis.
METO: Received via GTS. Bending angles are assimilated operationally. TanDEM-X Not assimilated.METEO-FRANCE: Bending angles are assimilated operationally.DWD: Operational assimilation of bending angles within 3D-Var.Assimilated operationallyCMA: Refractivity data are assimilated operationallyJMA: Bending angle data are assimilated in global NWP system. Refractivity data are assimilated in regional NWP system. Refractivity data from TerraSAR-X are still used for near-realtime Reanalysis.KMA : Bending angles are assimilated.NCMRWF: Receiving through GTS and assimilatingNOAA: Data received in BUFR from GTS, Bending angle used operationally in GFS and NAM.Data received in BUFR from GTS and GSI format data provided to CPTEC by NOAA/NCEP. CPTEC assimilates bending angles data in Global Modeling System (SMG).
MSC: Received and assimilated as refractivity.

METOP-A, METOP-B and METOP-C Global Navigation Satellite System Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding (GRAS) instrument
Bending angle, refractivity
Available on the GTS and EUMETCastECMWF: Assimilating both Metop-A/B/C bending angles. Assimilation to the surface.EUMETSATReceived via GTS. Bending angles are assimilated operationally.Bending angles are assimilated operationally.Operational assimilation of bending angles within 3D-Var.Operationally assimilatedGRAS is received and assimilated operationally.JMA: Bending angle data are assimilated operationally in global NWP system and refractivity data are assimilated in regional NWP system. Refractivity data are still used for near-realtime reanalysisMETOP-A/B GRAS data through GTS is assimilated operationally. Metop-C is testing now.Receiving through GTS and assimilatingReceiving, assimilates bending angle (METOP-A and -B) in GFS and NAM.Data received in BUFR from GTS and GSI format data provided to CPTEC by
NOAA/NCEP. CPTEC assimilates bending angles data in Global Modeling
System (SMG).
Assimilated operationally.Received and used at MSC (refractivity).
SEOSAR/PazNew7.8Bending angle, refractivity

Launched 22 Feb 2018.

GTS dissemination began at 18z on 19 Dec 2019. GTS headers are IUT[A-L]14 KWNO.

Is monitored in the operational suite, but not assimilated.
PAZ data are stored but not yet used.Will use PAZ if availableoperational use planned in July 2020Plan to assimilate if data is availableRefractivity data are assimilated operationally.SEOSAR/Paz data is requested for the assimilation.
Receiving through GTS and assimilatingreceiving via GTS but not yet assimilating.Interest when available
MSC: interested in ROHPP
Fengyun-3C, -3D1.2.47.9GNSS Radio Occultation Sounder (GNOS)

FY-3D on the GTS: IUT[A-L]14 BAWX.

FY-3C GNOS not currently available due to power issues on the satellite. Will restart around July 20, 2020

ECMWF: Fengyun-3C data assimilated since March 2018.
FY-3D GNOS assimilated operationally from Dec 2019. FY-3C has been used when available.METEO-FRANCE:
FY-3D assimilated operationally
DWD: Operational use of FX-3D planned for July 2020Assimilated operationallyCMA: Refractivity data are assimilated operationally.JMA: Interest in assimilating operationally.plan to use for assmilation soonNCMRWF: receiving through GTS and assimilating
Plan to use in future, but need to be evaluated.
Are assimilating data
KOMPSAT-51.97.10Atmosphere Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination (AOPOD)GTS dissemination began at 13z on 6 May 2019. GTS headers are IUT[A-L]14 KNES.ECMWF: Assimilating bending angle profiles in operations and reanalysis since 24 July 2019
Assimilated operationally from Dec 2019.Under study for operational assimilation (summer 2020)DWD: Strong interest
when data become
Plan to assimilateIf received via GTS,
then plan to use
JMA: Interest in assimilating operationally but there is a timeliness problem.plan to use for assmilation soon
NOAA/NCEP: receiving via GTS and assimilating.

MSC: interested
Lemur-2 constellationnew7.12STRATOSCommercial product from Spire.ECMWF: Used operationally from mid-May 2020 to mitigate loss of aircraft data. Availability after August 2020 is uncertain.
Using operationally from 22 May 2020 to mitigate loss of aircraft data. Availability after August 2020 is uncertain.

Plan to use in future, but need to be evaluated.

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