Status:Ongoing analysis Material from: Linus
1. Impact
2. Description of the event
An animation of infrared satellite images for the full lifetime of the cyclone can be found here (from Kimberly Wood, Mississippi State University):
A radar loop from Bahamas can be found here (thanks to Brian McNoldy, University of Miami):
3. Predictability
3.1 Data assimilation
3.2 HRES
3.3 ENS
The plots below show tropical cyclone strike probability on 25-28 August, in forecasts from 25 (first plot) to 22 August (last plot).
The plots below show the tracks (ensemble -grey, HRES - red, ENS control - blue, best track - black), position and intensity on 3 September 00UTC (ensemble - squares, best track - hourglass) in forecasts from 3 September (first plot) to 23 Augsut (last plot). The cyclone was recognised as a tropical storm on 25 March.Three main shifts in the tracks: Majority of members towards Bahamas (26 Aug), easterly path (28 August) and northward turn (31 August)
3.4 Extended-range forecasts
Tropical storm strike probability 2-9 September in extended-range forecasts, starting from the latest forecast (2 September). The first extended-range forecast to pick up the signal was 26 August, an expected result from the medium-range plots.
Accumulated cyclone energy 2-9 September in extended-range forecasts. All forecasts from 26 August and earlier indicated less activity than normal.The signal for the activity in the Atlantic in the early forecasts originated from the south-eastern part of the basin, where Gabrielle later formed.