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To filter the specified observations by satellite identification number for Satellite data or the WMO Station number.


Examples of Satellite identification numbers are 52 for METEOSAT 5 or 53 for METEOSAT 6. WMO Station number can be specified, e.g. 03953.

See ODB governance for some BUFR satellite identifiers.  Station identifier can be found using OSCAR.


type = ob                # Observations
obstype = synop
land time = 09:30
range = 180

type = fb                # Analysis feedback
obstype = synop land
time = 11:45
range = 360

type = ai               # Analysis input
obstype = ...
time = 00/06/12/18

type = af               # Analysis feedback
obstype = ...
time = 00/06/12/18



Used to specify the satellite identifier for simulated satellite data.


disseminate,                              # request for simluated satellite images
stream = oper,                          # Meteosat 10, SEVIRI instrument
type = ssd,                                # channels 5,6,9, cloudy brightness temperature
levtype = off,
param = clbt,
step = 0/to/144/by/3,
channel = 5/6/9,
ident = 57,
instrument = 207,