Good morning,
I'm running cy43r3 and I would like to process the ICMUA output files that seem to have replaced ICMGG. The new files contain a mix of grib1 and grib2 fields that is not easly processable by the cdo provided our computing center:
cdo -R -t ecmwf -f nc copy -remapbil,r360x180 ICMUA4317+000000 cdo(2) remapbil: Process started Segmentation fault (core dumped) grib_ls ICMUA4317+000000 ICMUA4317+000000 edition centre typeOfLevel level dataDate stepRange dataType shortName packingType gridType 1 ecmf isobaricInhPa 1000 20160925 0 fc q grid_simple reduced_gg 1 ecmf isobaricInhPa 925 20160925 0 fc q grid_simple reduced_gg 1 ecmf isobaricInhPa 850 20160925 0 fc q grid_simple reduced_gg 1 ecmf isobaricInhPa 700 20160925 0 fc q grid_simple reduced_gg . . . 2 ecmf hybrid 57 20160925 0 fc vtpha grid_simple reduced_gg 2 ecmf hybrid 58 20160925 0 fc vtpha grid_simple reduced_gg 2 ecmf hybrid 59 20160925 0 fc vtpha grid_simple reduced_gg 2 ecmf hybrid 60 20160925 0 fc vtpha grid_simple reduced_gg 360 of 360 grib messages in ICMUA4317+000000_grib2 360 of 360 total grib messages in 1 files
I tried to split the file into grib1 and grib2 fields. The grib1 file looks fine and can be processed by cdo, but the grib2 file has the gridSize changed (maybe?) which seems to prevent further post processing:
grib_copy ICMUA4317+000000 -w edition=1 ICMUA4317+000000_grib1 grib_copy ICMUA4317+000000 -w edition=2 ICMUA4317+000000_grib2 grib_ls ICMUA4317+000000_grib2 ICMUA4317+000000_grib2 edition centre date dataType gridType stepRange typeOfLevel level shortName packingType 2 ecmf 20160925 fc reduced_gg 0 hybrid 1 q grid_simple 2 ecmf 20160925 fc reduced_gg 0 hybrid 2 q grid_simple 2 ecmf 20160925 fc reduced_gg 0 hybrid 3 q grid_simple 2 ecmf 20160925 fc reduced_gg 0 hybrid 4 q grid_simple . . . cdo -R -t ecmwf -f nc copy -remapbil,r360x180 ICMUA4317+000000_grib2 cdo(2) remapbil: Process started Error (gribapiGetGridRegular): numberOfPoints (35718) and gridSize (343597383520) differ!
I tried to convert the mixed files with grib_to_netcdf but here I get an error related to the gridType:
grib_to_netcdf -T -o ICMUA4317+000000 grib_to_netcdf: Version 2.10.0 grib_to_netcdf: Processing input file 'ICMUA4317+000000'. grib_to_netcdf: Found 489 GRIB fields in 1 file. grib_to_netcdf: Ignoring key(s): method, type, stream, refdate, hdate grib_to_netcdf: Creating netCDF file '' grib_to_netcdf: NetCDF library version: of Dec 10 2015 16:44:18 $ grib_to_netcdf: Creating large (64 bit) file format. ECCODES ERROR : First GRIB is not on a regular lat/lon grid or on a regular Gaussian grid. Exiting.
How to I get my hands on the sweet data inside this file?
Cheers, Jan