How does the “box modifying” code work?
Within a 3-dimensional box, the temperature tendencies due to convection, cloud and radiation processes can be modified using a scaling factor. The box can be either static or move along a linear path. The duration of the scaling in time can be chosen arbitrarily and within this period the scaling factor is applied in every integration time step.
Please note the followings:
When you increase (reduce) the original tendency values, i.e. the scaling factor is greater (lower) than 1, it does not mean necessarily heating (cooling). If the original temperature tendency was negative, it leads to increased (reduced) cooling, e.g., in case of temperature tendency due to radiation at night.
The scaling modifies the given temperature tendency in the beginning of the time steps.
The model time step was 900 s in the experiments. The solution of the radiative transfer equation to obtain the fluxes is very expensive, so computer time spent in the radiation calculations are saved by using a reduced radiation grid and calling the full radiation with a reduced time frequency (3 hours). Between the full radiation time steps, a reduced radiation configuration is applied to update the radiative fluxes at every grid point and every time step for the relevant instantaneous temperature profile and solar zenith angle.
For visualization, temperature tendency is accumulated during the days, its unit is K/day. The humidity tendencies are also accumulated and scaled to K/day.
The magnitude of temperature tendency due to radiation is much lower (a few K/day) than the one due to convection (reaching even 20-30 K/day in some regions).
User group experiments
Table: User group experiments.
Experiment | Scientific content | Group |
control | OpenIFS 43r3 experiment at TCo399L137 resolution with 900 s time step using ERA5 as initial condition at 00 on 25 September 2019 (no scaling) | All groups |
rad_0_NA_to | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo |
rad_2_NA_top | Doubling the radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo |
rad_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss |
all_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for tendencies due to radiation, convection and cloud processes between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss |
con_0_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0 for convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim |
con_2_Karl_48h | Doubling the convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim |
con_0.5_def_24h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria |
con_1.5_def_24h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria |
con_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
con_1.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
Table: User group experiments.
Experiment | Scientific content | Group |
control | OpenIFS 43r3 experiment at TCo399L137 resolution with 900 s time step using ERA5 as initial condition at 00 on 25 September 2019 (no scaling) | All groups |
rad_0_NA_to | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo |
rad_2_NA_top | Doubling the radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo |
rad_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss |
all_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for tendencies due to radiation, convection and cloud processes between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss |
con_0_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0 for convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim |
con_2_Karl_48h | Doubling the convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim |
con_0.5_def_24h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria |
con_1.5_def_24h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria |
con_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
con_1.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |