METEOAM (cnmc)
Mean zero-crossing wave period issue at step 0
1. Brief description:
Due to the bug in the computation of the second moment and the zero moment of the frequency spectrum (inconsistent diagnostic methods, truncation errors due to limited GRIB precision for the initial conditions) the values of the mean zero-crossing wave period at step 0 are wrong . Affected data:
- 0Z: 2018-11-01...2018-11-05
- 12Z: 2018-10-31...2018-11-04
2. Recommendation:
Do not use the affected data.
SHNSM (sabm)
Wrong peak wave period data
1. Brief description:
Due to the bug in in the determination of the peak wave period values all available data can be affected.
2. Recommendation:
Do not use that parameter until the bug fix is implemented by the provider.
DWD (edzw)
U/V component problem Fixed on 27 June by re-processing and re-archiving all data Feb-Apr 2019
Problems were identified in DWD operational runs where a recalculation of February to April period has been needed.