For an overview, please see the ODB tutorial here. There is also a shorter tutorial available on this page.
columns( odb )
Returns a list of the names of the columns in the given ODB variable. If there are no columns, then nil is returned.
count( odb )
Returns the number of rows contained in the ODB.
odb odb_filter(...)
Performs an ODB/SQL query resulting in a new ODB. This is a Metview icon function, for detailed documentation please see the ODB Filter.
definition odb_visualiser(...)
Defines an object to visualise ODB data using various techniques and plot types. Optionally can run a filter on the ODB data for visualisation. This is a Metview icon function, for detailed documentation please see the ODB Visualiser.
odb read( path )
Returns an ODB object representing an ODB file/database specified by its file system path.
vector or list values( odb, string )
Returns the given column specified by its name. If the column type is number, a vector is returned; if it is string, then a list of strings is returned. If the column cannot be found, nil
is returned.