Access via web-api
The data is downloaded via web-api using python scripts. You will need to download the appropriate python modules to run these scripts. For example, the python scripts will contain from commands like this example,
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
# To run this example, you need an API key
# available from
server = ECMWFDataServer(verbose=1)
'dataset' : "rom_saf_3198",
'stream' : "moda",
'levtype' : "pl",
'levelist': "1000",
'date' : "20150301",
'type' : "an",
'param' : "131.128",
'grid' : "0.5/0.5",
'format' : "netcdf",
'target' : ""
General information related to downloading the data via web-api, is described here:
Specifically, follow the steps here to install the latest code version:
Briefly, install this with the pip command:
- pip install ecmwf-api-client
You will now have the modules needed in the python scripts. (I actually needed this command for the ECMWF system pip install --user ecmwf-api-client because of local permssions).
Login and retrieve your "key":
Login at:
Retrieve your key at:
Create and paste the "key" information in here:
- $HOME/.ecmwfapirc
You will also need to accept the terms before you can access the data with web-api.
Accept terms and conditions.