| Conference/ Meeting | Date | Location | | | Links |
2019 |
- C. Albergel, E. Dutra, B. Bonan, Y. Zheng, S. Munier, G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, J Muñoz-Sabater and J.-C. Calvet:"Monitoring and forecasting the impact on the 2018 summer heatwave of vegetation using LDAS-MONDE".
| Joint CHE-VERIFY First General Assembly | 12-14 Mar 2019 | Reading, UK | | | WEB |
- C. Albergel, E. Dutra, B. Bonan, Y. Zheng, S. Munier, G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, J Muñoz-Sabater and J.-C. Calvet:"Monitoring and forecasting the impact on the 2018 summer heatwave on vegetation".
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 | 7-12 April 2019 | Vienna, Austria | | - | WEB |
- E. Zsoter et al.: How well do operational Numerical Weather Prediction configurations represent hydrology?
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 | 7-12 April 2019 | Vienna, Austria | - | - | WEB |
- H. Hersbach, B. Bell, P. Berrisford, D. Dee, A. Horanyi, J. Nicolas, R. Radu, J Muñoz-Sabater, C. Soci, D. Schepers, A. Simmons, J.-N Thepaut and F. Vamborg: "The ERA5 Global Atmospheric Reanalysis at ECMWF as a comprehensive dataset for climate data homogenization, climate variability, trends and extremes".
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 | 7-12 April 2019 | Vienna, Austria | | - | WEB |
- C. Albergel, E. Dutra, B. Bonan, Y. Zheng, S. Munier, G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, J Muñoz-Sabater and J-C.Calvet: "Monitoring and forecasting the summer 2018 heatwave impact on vegetation"
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 | 13-17 May 2019 | Milan, Italy | | - | WEB |
- N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, P. de Rosnay, P. Richaume, J Muñoz-Sabater, Y. Kerr, M. Drusch and S. Mecklenburg: "The SMOS Near-Real-Time Soil Moisture dataset."
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 | 13-17 May 2019 | Milan, Italy | | - | WEB |
- P. de Rosnay, N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, D. Fairbairn, J Muñoz-Sabater, H. Lawrence, C. Baugh, F. Di Giuseppe, S. English, C. Prudhomme, M. Drusch and S. Mecklenburg: "SMOS soil moisture data assimilation for operational numerical weather prediction."
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 | 13-17 May 2019 | Milan, Italy | | - | WEB |
- I. Benhadj, J Muñoz-Sabater, B. Deronde, C. Brockmann, G. Kirches, M. Boettcher, C. Lamarche; P. Defourny; R. Lacaze; D. Ramon; F. Pinault; D. Carrer; F. Camacho; J, Sánchez; J. Leon Tavares; C. Tote; U. Lewis; E. Chuvieco; J. Lizundia Loiola; M. L. Pettinari; M. Disney; R. Giering; S. Blessing; W. Xu: "Land Biosphere Essential climate variable product from Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): Surface albedo, LAI, fAPAR, Land Cover and Fire."
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 | 13-17 May 2019 | Milan, Italy | | - | WEB |
- H. Hersbach, B. Bell, P. Berrisford, D. Dee, R. Dragani, A. Horanyi, J. Nicolas, J Muñoz-Sabater, C. Peubey, R. Radu, D. Schepers, A. Simmons, C. Soci and J.-N. Thépaut: "ERA5: State-of-the-art global reanalysis at ECMWF"
| International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019 (IGARSS 2019) | 28 July - 2 August 2019 | Yokohama, Japan | | - | WEB |
2018 |
C. Albergel, S. Munier, E. Dutra, J-C. Calvet, J Muñoz-Sabater , P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo: "ERA-5 driven land surface reanalysis: LDAS-Monde applied to the continental US"
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 | 8-13 April 2018 | Vienna, Austria | | | WEB |
E. Dutra, J Muñoz-Sabater , S. Boussetta, T. Komori, S. Hirahara G. Balsamo: " Land surface downscaling using a spatially and temporally varying lapse rate"
| 2nd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) & 8th Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA-SAF)s Workshop | 26-28 June 2018 | Lisbon, Portugal | | - | WEB |
- S. Mecklenburg et al.,: "The contribution of L-band observations to characterising land-atmosphere interactions"
| 2nd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) & 8th Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA-SAF)s Workshop | 26-28 June 2018 | Lisbon, Portugal | - | - | WEB |
- P. Berrisford, B. Bell, G. Biavati, P. Dahlgren, D. Dee, M. Fuentes, H. Hersbach, A. Horanyi, J Muñoz-Sabater , C. Peubey, R. Radu, I. Rozum, D. Schepers, A. Simmons, C. Soci, S. Villaume
| Atmospheric Science Conference 2018, Royal Meteorological Society. Weather, Climate & Air Quality | 3-4 July 2018 | University of York, UK | | - | WEB |
- P. de Rosnay, N. Rodríguez-Fernández, J Muñoz-Sabater , C. Albergel, D. Fairbairn, H. Lawrence, S. English, M. Drusch, Y. Kerr: "SMOS data assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction"
| International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 | 22-27 July, 2018 | Valencia, Spain | | - | WEB |
- A. Horányi, B. Bell, P. Berrisford, H. Hersbach, J. Muñoz-Sabater , D. Schepers, A. Simmons, C. Soci: "The new global reanalysis ERA5"
| EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018 | 3–7 Sept., 2018 | Budapest, Hungary | | - | WEB |
- C. Albergel, E. Dutra, S. Munier, J.C. Calvet, J Muñoz-Sabater, P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo: "How does ECMWF latest reanalysis ERA-5 compare with ERA-Interim when used to force the ISBA Land Surface Model?"
| 2018 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference | 17-21 Sept, 2018 | Tallinn, Estonia | - | - | WEB |
- G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, F. Vitart, J Muñoz-Sabater : "The ECMWF land surface scheme and its initialisation in S2S reforecast applications".
| WCRP International Conference on Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction | 17-21 Sept, 2018 | Boulder, Colorado, US | - | | WEB |
2017 |
- P de Rosnay, J Muñoz-Sabater, C Albergel, L. Isaksen: "Comparison between SMOS brightness temperature observations and ECMWF ERA-Interim based brightness temperature".
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 23-28 April , 2017 | Vienna, Austria | | - | WEB |
- N. Rodriguez, M. Drusch, S. Mecklenburg, P. de Rosnay, S. English, C. Albergel, J Muñoz-Sabater, F. Aires, C. Prigent, Y. Kerr, P. Richaume: "Assimilation of neural network soil moisture in land surface models".
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 23-28 April , 2017 | Vienna, Austria | | - | WEB |
E. Zsoter, H. Cloke, P. Smith, R. Emerton, J Muñoz-Sabater , F. Pappenberger : " The impact of land data assimilation on global river discharge predictions".
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 23-28 April , 2017 | Vienna, Austria | | - | WEB |
- P. de Rosnay, J.Muñoz-Sabater , S. Boussetta, G.Balsamo, S. English : " Assimilation of land surface satellite data for operational Numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF".
| 1st International Land Surface Working Group Workshop (ILSWG) | 19-20 July , 2017 | Monterey, California, US | | | WEB |
- P. de Rosnay, J.Muñoz-Sabater , N. Rodríguez-Fernández, C. Albergel, L. Isaksen, G. Balsamo and S. English : " ECMWF L-band activities over land".
| 1st International Land Surface Working Group Workshop (ILSWG) | 19-20 July , 2017 | Monterey, California, US | - | | WEB |
- A.Agusti-Panareda, S.Massart, M.Parrington, M.Diamantakis, J.Muñoz-Sabater , G.Balsamo, S.Boussetta, R.Engelen, V.H.Peuch, F.Chevallier, M.Ramonet, O.Jossoud, M.Delmotte, J.Anton, R.Curcoll, T.Warneke, D.Feist, C.Petri, M.Buchwitz, M.Reuter, J.Heymann, R.Detmer : " On the benefits of using high resolution transport and fluxes to simulate atmospheric CO2 variability".
| 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10) | 21-25 August , 2017 | Interlaken, Switzerland | | | WEB |
S.Mecklenburg, M.Drusch, Y.Kerr, A.AlBitar, N.Rodriguez-Fernandez, K.Rautiainen, T.Kaminski, M.Scholze, J.Grant, P.de Rosnay, J.Muñoz-Sabater , B.Martens, P.Goryl, S.Dransfeld, Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre: "Remote sensing supporting fire monitoring".
| 5th iLEAPS Science Conference | 11-14 Sept , 2017 | Oxford, UK | | - | WEB |
S.Mecklenburg, M.Drusch, Y.Kerr, A.AlBitar, N.Rodriguez-Fernandez, K.Rautiainen, T.Kaminski, M.Scholze, J.Grant, P.de Rosnay, J.Muñoz-Sabater , B.Martens: "The contribution of L-band observations to characterising land-atmosphere interactions".
| 5th iLEAPS Science Conference | 11-14 Sept , 2017 | Oxford, UK | | | WEB |
H. Hersbach, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, P. Dahlgren, D. Dee, M. Fuentes, A. Horanyi, J.Muñoz-Sabater , C. Peubey, R.Radu, I. Rozum, D. Schepers, A. Simmons, C. Soci, J.N. Thépaut and S. Villaume: "State-of-the-art Atmospheric Reanalysis at ECMWF"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
E. Dutra, J.Muñoz-Sabater , S. Boussetta, T. Komori, S Hirahara and G. Balsamo: "A temporally and spatially varying environmental lapse-rate for temperature downscaling"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
P. Berrisford, D. Dee, H. Hersbach, J.Muñoz-Sabater , E. Remete, I. Rozum, A. Simmons, J-N. Thepaut: "The contribution of reanalysis to climate monitoring"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
A. Horanyi, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, H. Hersbach, J.Muñoz-Sabater , C. Peubey, R. Radu, I. Rozum, D. Schepers, A. Simmons and C. Soci: "The importance of reanalysis monitoring: the example of ERA5"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
A. Horanyi, G. Biavati, P. Dahlgren, H. Hersbach, J.Muñoz-Sabater and R. Radu: "Uncertainty estimation in modern reanalysis systems"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
G. Balsamo, G. Arduini, A. Beljaars, S. Boussetta, M. Choulga, E. Dutra, H. Hersbach, J.Muñoz-Sabater , P. de Rosnay, I. Sandu and N. Wedi: "A roadmap to Earth surface kilometre-scale simulations"
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | | | WEB |
- R. Radu, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, A. Bonet, H. Hersbach, J. Hodkinson, A. Horanyi, J. Muñoz-Sabater, C. Soci and M. Suttie
| 5th International Conference on Reanalysis | 13-17 Nov., 2017 | Rome, Italy | - | | WEB |
2016 |
- N Rodríguez-Fernández, P de Rosnay, C Albergel, J Muñoz-Sabater, F. Aires, C. Prigent, P. Richaume, Y. Kerr: "Assimilation of SMOS neural-network-retrieved soil moisture for numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF".
| 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Modelling of Surface Properties (RSMSP) | 14- 16 March, 2016 | Grenoble, France | | | |
- P. de Rosnay, J Muñoz-Sabater, C Albergel, N Rodríguez-Fernández, E. Dutra, G. Balsamo, F. Pappenberger, L. Isaksen and S. English: " Assimilation of land surface satellite data for operational Numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF"
| 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Modelling of Surface Properties (RSMSP) | 14- 16 March, 2016 | Grenoble, France | | | |
F. Fascetti, N. Pierdicca, L. Pulvirenti, R. Crapolicchio, .J. Muñoz-Sabater: "An assessment of SMOS version 6.20 products compared to ASCAT, ERAInterim LAND and ISMN soil moisture data using the Quadruple Collocation (QC) technique".
| 14th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad 2016) | 11-14 April 2016 | Aalto University Campus, Espoo, Finland | | | |
- M. Piles, J. Ballabrera, J. Muñoz Sabater, A. Turiel, M. Vall-Llosera: "A soil moisture climatology based on five years of SMOS data"
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 | 9-13 May 2016 | Prague, Czeck Republic | | | |
- P de Rosnay, C Albergel, J Mu ñ oz Sabater, N Rodriguez Fernandez, H Hersbach, E Dutra, G Balsamo, F. Pappenberger, L Isaksen, S English, D Dee: "Review of satellite data usage for soil moisture analyses at ECMWF"
| ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 | 9-13 May 2016 | Prague, Czeck Republic | | | |
- A. Horanyi, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, D. Dee, H. Hersbach, J Mu ñ oz Sabater, I. Rozum, A. Simmons, C. Soci: "The impact of observations in the ECMWF latest reanalysis system"
| 6th WMO Workshop on the Impact of various observing systems on NWP | 10-13 May 2016 | Shangai, China | - | | |
- P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo, J Muñoz-Sabater, E. Dutra, C. Albergel, N. Rodríguez-Fernández, and H. Hersbach: "High resolution land reanalysis"
| Regional Reanalysis Workshop | 19-20 May 2016 | Reading, UK | - | | |
- G. Balsamo, E. Dutra, C. Albergel, F. Pappenberger, I. Sandu, P. de Rosnay, S. Boussetta, J Muñoz-Sabater, S. Seneviratne, R. Orth, I. Trigo, A. Beljaars, P. Viterbo: "Satellite Observations for Advancing Global Earth Surface Modelling. How satellite-based information can support Earth surface model development?"
| Observations and modeling across scales: Symposium in honor of Eric Wood | 2-3 June 2016 | Princeton University, US | - | | |
- A. Horányi, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, D. Dee, H. Hersbach, J Muñoz-Sabater , I. Rozum, A. Simmons, C. Soci: "The ERA5 reanalysis of the Copernicus Climate Change Service"
| Climate Change Workshop | 6-8 June 2016 | Budapest, Hungary |
| |
A. Agusti-Panareda, S. Massart, Mark Parrington, M. Ratzinger, L. Jones, M. Diamantakis, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, E. Dutra, J. Muñoz-Sabater , A. Bozzo, R. Hogan, R. Forbes, F. Chevallier, P. Peylin, N. MacBean and F. Maignan: "The carbon cycle in the C-IFS model for atmospheric composition and weather prediction".
| ECMWF annual seminar 2016 | 5-8 Sept 2016 | Reading, UK | - | | |
G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, E. Dutra, J. Muñoz-Sabater and S. Boussetta: "Initialisation of the land surface component of ECMWF systems".
| Applications of satellite Climate Data Records in Numerical Modeling Workshop, 2016 | 15-17 Nov 2016 | Reading, UK | - | | |
- G. Balsamo, C. Albergel, A. Beljaars, S. Boussetta, E. Brun, H. Cloke, D. Dee, E. Dutra, J. Muñoz Sabater , F. Pappenberger, P. de Rosnay, T. Stockdale, F. Vitart: "ERA-Interim/Land: A global surface reanalysis dataset"
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 12-17 Apr 2015 | Vienna, Austria | | - | |
- C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo, E. Dutra, T. Kral, J. Muñoz Sabater , L. Isaksen, S. Boussetta, C. Massari, L. Brocca: "Long term global scale root zone soil moisture monitoring at ECMWF using a surface-only land data assimilation system."
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 12-17 Apr 2015 | Vienna, Austria | | - | |
- P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater , E. Dutra, C. Albergel, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, L. Isaksen: "Comparison between ECMWF L-band brightness temperatures and SMOS observations using the Community Microwave Emission Modelling Platform (CMEM)"
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 12-17 Apr 2015 | Vienna, Austria | | - | |
- S. Boussetta, G. Balsamo, E. Dutra, A. Beljaars, C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater : "Impact of vegetation cover variability on surface energy and carbon fluxes"
| European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) | 12-17 Apr 2015 | Vienna, Austria | | | |
- M. Piles, J. Ballabrera, J. Muñoz Sabater , M. Vall-llossera: "Seasonal and inter-annual variability of SMOS derived soil moisture and ocean salinity"
| 2nd SMOS Science Conference | 25-29 May 2015 | ESA-ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain | | - | |
P. de Rosnay, J Muñoz Sabater, E. Dutra, C. Albergel, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, L. Isaksen: "Comparison between SMOS brightness temperatures observations and ECMWF ERA-Interim/Land brightness temperatures: long term monitoring and global trend analysis"
| 2nd SMOS Science Conference | 25-29 May 2015 | ESA-ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain | | | |
- P. Beneto-Valles, J. Muñoz-Sabater, E. Lopez-Baeza: "Characterisation of the Jucar River Basin Hydrological Climatology with ERA-Land Reanalysis.Consistency with In-Situ and SMOS Soil Moisture Products"
| 2nd SMOS Science Conference | 25-29 May 2015 | ESA-ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain | | | |
- P. Bauer (with acknowledegments): "Requirements of operational Numerical Weather Prediction"
| 2nd SMOS Science Conference | 25-29 May 2015 | ESA-ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain | - | | |
- S. Boussetta, G. Balsamo, E. Dutra, A. Beljars, C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater : "Exploring the potential use of vegetation related satellite products within an NWP framework".
| 6th LSA-SAF User Training Workshop | 8-10 June 2015 | Reading, UK | - | | |
- N. Rodriguez, J. Muñoz Sabater , P. Richaume, Y. Kerr, P. de Rosnay, F. Aires, C. Prigent, M. Drusch: "A Near-Real-Time soil moisture product from SMOS observations".
| 6th LSA-SAF User Training Workshop | 8-10 June 2015 | Reading, UK | - | | |
- C. Albergel, G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, E. Dutra, T. Kral, J. Muñoz Sabater , L. Isaksen, S. Boussetta, C. Massari, L. Brocca: "Long term global scale root zone soil moisture monitoring at ECMWF using a surface-only land data assimilation system".
| 6th LSA-SAF User Training Workshop | 8-10 June 2015 | Reading, UK | | - | |
- M. Drusch, S. Mecklenburg, J. Muñoz Sabater, P. de Rosnay, H. Lievens, N. Verhoest, Y. Kerr: "SMOS measurements in forecasting systems: A quantitative assessment of skill"
| 2015 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference (EMSC2015) | 21-25 Sept. 2015 | Toulouse, France | - | | |
- S. Mecklenburg, M. Drusch (with acknowledegments): "ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission – Status and Perspectives"
| 2015 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference (EMSC2015) | 21-25 Sept. 2015 | Toulouse, France | - | | |
P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater, C. Albergel, N. Rodríguez-Fernández, L. Isaksen, G. Balsamo, F. Pappenberger and S. English: "Assimilation of land surface satellite data for Numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF"
| 2015 Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science Workshop | 20-23 Oct. 2015 | ESRIN-ESA, Frascati, Italy | - | | |
- N. Rodríguez-Fernández, J. Muñoz-Sabater, P. Richaume, P. De Rosnay, Y. Kerr, F. Aires, M. Drush, S. Mecklenburg: "New near-real time SMOS soil misture product"
| 2015 Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science Workshop | 20-23 Oct. 2015 | ESRIN-ESA, Frascati, Italy | - | | |
- P. Beneto-Valles, J. Muñoz-Sabater, E. López-Baeza: "Hydro-Climatological studyof the Jucar river basin soil miosture fields with ERA-Interim/Land reanalysis. Consistency with in-situ measurements and SMOS updated reprocessed data."
| 2nd COSPAR Symposium. Water and life in the Universe. | 9-13 Nov. 2015 | Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil | | - | |
- S.Mecklenburg, M.Drusch, Y.Kerr, A.Al Bitar, H. Lievens, N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, J.Munoz-Sabater, P. de Rosnay, N.Reul, R.Sabia: "ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission - Contributing to water resource management"
| 2015 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting | 14-18 Dec. 2015 | San Francisco, US | | - | |