The notebook code can be downloaded.
The following notebook is closer to the tutorial, with head.h, tail.h and task template managed directly by the designer.
import ecf from ecf import * home = os.getenv("HOME") + "/ecflow_server" user = os.getenv("USER") node = Suite("lorenz").add( Defstatus("suspended"), ecf.Edit(ECF_HOME=home, ECF_INCLUDE=home + "/include", ECF_FILES=home + "/files", ECF_OUT=home, ECF_EXTN=".ecf", USER=user, SCHOST="localhost", ECF_JOB_CMD="/home/ma/emos/bin/trimurti %USER% %SCHOST% %ECF_JOB% %ECF_JOBOUT%"), ecf.Family("ecf").add( Task("compute").add(), ecf.Family("multi").add( # once imported, alter script, run multiple tasks [ecf.Family("%02d" % num).add( Edit(XYZ="[%d.0, %d.0, %d.0]" % (num, num, num)), Task("compute")) for num in xrange(0, 5)]))) client = ecf.Client("localhost@2500") defs = ecf.Defs() defs.add_suite(node) client.replace("/lorenz", defs) |
jupyter notebook ecflow-jupyter-ecf-2018.ipynb