Sometimes tasks don't run as expected, and we want to get notification when this is the case.
For this we use the late attribute.
A node can only have one late attribute. The late attribute only applies to a task. You can define it on a Suite/Family in which case it will be inherited. Any late defined lower down the hierarchy will override the aspect(submitted,active, complete) defined higher up.
- -s submitted: The time node can stay submitted (format [+]hh:mm). submitted is always relative, so + is simple ignored, if present. If the node stays submitted longer than the time specified, the late flag is set
- -a Active: The time of day the node must have become active (format hh:mm). If the node is still queued or submitted, the late flag is set
- -c Complete: The time node must become complete (format {+}hh:mm). If relative, time is taken from the time the node became active, otherwise node must be complete by the time given.
Late example
task t1 late -s +00:15 -a 20:00 -c +02:00
This is interpreted as: the node can stay submitted for a maximum of 15 minutes, and it must become active by 20:00 and the runtime must not exceed 2 hours.
For the purposes of this tutorial we will add a late attribute for the runtime only.
Ecf Script
We will add a new task /test/f6/t1.
Create new ecf script file $HOME/course/test/f6/t1.ecf for which we want to be late.
%include <head.h> echo "I will now sleep for %SLEEP% seconds" sleep %SLEEP% %include <tail.h>
Let us modify the suite definition file again
# Definition of the suite test. suite test edit ECF_INCLUDE "$HOME/course" # replace $HOME with the path to your home directory edit ECF_HOME "$HOME/course" family f6 edit SLEEP 120 task t1 late -c +00:01 # set late flag if task take longer than a minute endfamily endsuite
import os from ecflow import Defs,Suite,Family,Task,Edit,Trigger,Complete,Event,Meter,Time,Day,Date,Label, \ RepeatString,RepeatInteger,RepeatDate,InLimit,Limit,Late def create_family_f6(): return Family("f6", Edit(SLEEP=120), Task("t1", Late(complete='+00:01'))) # set late flag if task t1 takes longer than a minute print("Creating suite definition") home = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),"course") defs = Defs( Suite("test", Edit(ECF_INCLUDE=home,ECF_HOME=home), create_family_f6())) print(defs) print("Checking job creation: .ecf -> .job0") print(defs.check_job_creation()) print("Checking trigger expressions") assert len(defs.check()) == 0,defs.check() print("Saving definition to file 'test.def'") defs.save_as_defs("test.def")
What to do
- Type in the changes
- Replace the suite definition
- Run the suite, you should see the task late flag set in ecflow_ui