Specifies the origin of the data, usually as the CCCC WMO centre identifier.


Valid values are WMO centre identifiers, either specified as number or 4 character abbreviation as listed in the ecCodes documentation.

It is used for datasets classified as supplementary data or data used or produced in the Multi-Analysis Ensemble project, or output of the multi-model seasonal forecast system or the monthly forecast system.

Example to specify 2 metre temperature from multi-model seasonal forecast:

retrieve,           # origin ECMWF 
 class  = od,
 date   = 2018-10-01,
 expver = 1,
 levtype= sfc,
 method = 1,
 number = 0/to/50,
 origin = 98,
 param  = 167.128,
 step   = 12,
 stream = mmsf,
 system = 5,
 time   = 00:00:00,
 type   = fc,
 target = "output"
retrieve,        # origin Meteo France
 class  = od,
 date   = 2018-11-01,
 expver = 1,
 levtype= sfc,
 method = 1,
 number = 0/to/50,
 origin = lfpw,
 param  = 167.128,
 step   = 12,
 stream = mmsf,
 system = 5,
 time   = 00:00:00,
 type   = fc,
 target = "output"


Only data of ECMWF origin are disseminated, it needs specifying for seasonal data


origin=ecmwf #mandatory

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