Specifies the reference date of the real-time forecast associated to the hindcast.


In the Monthly Forecasting system, hindcasts (stream=mnfh) are run on the same day (every Thursday from 2004-10-07 to 2008-03-13 ) , same month for the last 12 years, and are associated to the real-time forecast by storing them under the same reference date. The same naming is used for (now obsolete) ensemble hindcasts until refdate=2008-04-08 (stream=efhc) which are run on the same day, but for the period 1971 to 2000.

Valid formats are:

  • Absolute as YYYY-MM-DD, YYYYMMDD. The day of the year can also be used: YYYY-DDD


refdate = 2007-03-13      # To specify hindcasts associated to the real-time forecast with base date 2007-03-13


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