Metview is a meteorological workstation application designed to be a complete working environment for both the operational and research meteorologist. Its capabilities include powerful data access, processing and visualisation.
It features a powerful icon-based user interface for interactive work, and a scripting language for batch processing. The two are linked through the ability to automatically convert icons into their equivalent script code.
Metview can take input data from a variety of sources, including:
- GRIB files (editions 1 and 2)
- BUFR files
- MARS (ECMWF's meteorological archive)
- ODB (Observation Database)
- Local databases
- ASCII data files (CSV, grids and scattered data)
- NetCDF
Powerful data filtering and processing facilities are then available, and if graphics output is desired, then Metview can produce many plot types, including:
- map views in various projections
- cross sections
- vertical profiles
- x/y graph plots
- intelligent overlay of data from various sources on the same map
- arrangement of multiple plots on the same page
Metview can also interface with external models and applications, such as VAPOR, FLEXTRA and FLEXPART.
Metview was developed as part of a cooperation between ECMWF and INPE (Brazilian National Institute for Space Research).