original reduced grid (N80)

octahedral reduced grid (O80)regular grid (F80)
Total number of grid points357182848051200
Resolution at equator
Resolution at equator (km)125125125
Average resolution (km)120134100
  • The lat-lon resolution at the equator is given by 90o/N where N is the number of Gaussian latitudes between the pole and equator.
  • The resolution in kilometres at the equator is given by ~10000/N km (assuming a circumference of the earth of ~40000 km).

  • The average resolution is given by \( \sqrt{4 \pi R^{2}_{\mbox{earth}}/N_{p}} \)

    km, where \( N_{p} \) is the total number of grid points.


Error rendering macro 'csv-export'

Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.containsKey(Object)" because the return value of "com.atlassian.cache.Cache.get(Object)" is null