Visualising ODB in Magics
There are several ways on visualisating ODB data in Magics.
- use the ODB Magics objects. This allows Magics to read a odb file and extract some columns for geographical plots or graph.
- In python, it also possible to use odb_api packages to create a numpy array and pass the values in memeoty to Magics. magics is then able to perform symbol plotting on a geographical area, time series, etc ..
This page will present examples of these different plottings, and will offer skeletons of python programs.
Using an ODB file and create a geographical map
In this example, we have downloaded some ODB data from Mars.
The mars request looks like:
class = e2,
type = ofb,
stream = oper,
expver = 1607,
repres = bu,
reportype = 16005,
obstype = 1,
date = 20100101,
time = 0,
domain = g,
target = "data.odb",
filter = "select lat@hdr, lon@hdr, obsvalue@body where (source='ispdv2.2') and (varno=110)",
duplicates = keep