Versions Compared


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The ECMWF FTP service provides access to real-time data from the CAMS global atmospheric composition system. For product documentation please see here. For a description of the current global model please see here (including information on system upgrades) . For other data access options please see here.



Please note that the default limit per user is 10 active connections to the FTP server. There is also an overall limit across all users of 2,000 active connections.

Data location

FTP server

Data directories


/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_ADDITIONAL which contains individual files of surface level fields (model level 137).

/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_TEST/ which contains test data files

Retention policy

Forecast are kept for 3 days

File naming convention

The file naming convention is based on WMO guidelines as follows:



ecmf is the WMO location indicators. The list can be found here.
yyyymmddhhmmss is the base date and time of the forecast.
vvvv is a version or experiment identifier. prod will be used for operational products, test (or experiment ID) will be used for testing purposes, rean for reanalysis if needed.
tt type of data, fc - forecast, an - analysis
lt is the type of level. pl for pressure level products, sfc for surface fields, ml for model level fields

 is the forecast hour time step. For accumulation and averages, it is the

end time. This number must be zero padded to 3 digits, e.g. step 24 is given as 024


 is the parameter short name as defined here

grib, nc

 is the format of a file, GRIB or NETCDF

Data organisation

The dataset is grouped by type of product (analysis or forecast), level type (surface parameter, pressure level or model level), by step or forecast range and by parameter. 


z_cams_c_ ecmf_20160704000000_prod_fc_pl_012_co.grib contains all the pressure levels of +12 step CO fields from a forecast started on 7 July 2016 at 00:00 UTC.

z_cams_c_ ecmf nc  contains all the model levels of step 12 O3 fields from a forecast which was started on 7 July 2016 at 12:00 UTC in NetCDF format.




Model level fields are in GRIB2 format. All other fields are in GRIB1, except for new parameters from cycle 48r1 (more details are available here). NetCDF format is also available.


From cycle 48R1, there are important changes to the GRIB encoding for model levels fields, relating to packing and GRIB tables. Please see this page for full details: Implementation of IFS cycle 48r1 for CAMS#ChangetoGRIBencoding

The 'packingType' can be changed using ECMWF's ecCodes:

Code Block
# CCSDS -> simple

grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_simple in.grib2 out.grib

# Simple -> CCSDS

grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_ccsds in.grib out.grib2

Data availability

The latest model cycle based on the 00 UTC analysis is normally available by 10:00 UTC, the cycle based on 12 UTC analysis is available by 22:00 UTC.

After the data transfer to the ftp server is completed a manifest file is uploaded:


The file is uploaded to the server only after all the data files have been successfully uploaded. The file contains a list of all the GRIB and NetCDF files in the cycle and their MD5 checksums in case you would like to verify data integrity.

List of available parameters

  • Expand

    short nameparameter IDnametype of variabletype of data (an,fc)type of level (sfc,pl,ml)
    aod1240210216Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 1240nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod469210213Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 469nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod550210207Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod670210214Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 670nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod865210215Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 865nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    bcaod550210211Black Carbon Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm

The latest model cycle based on the 00 UTC analysis is normally available by 10:00 UTC, the cycle based on 12 UTC analysis is available by 22:00 UTC.

After the data transfer to the ftp server is completed a manifest file is uploaded:


The file is uploaded to the server only after all the data files have been successfully uploaded. The file contains a list of all the GRIB and NetCDF files in the cycle and their MD5 checksums in case you would like to verify data integrity.

List of available parameters

  • Expand
    Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing RatioHydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratio
    short nameparameter IDnametype of variabletype of data (an,fc)type of level (sfc,pl,ml)
    aod1240210216Total Aerosol Optical Depth at 1240nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod469duaod550210213210209Total Dust Aerosol Optical Depth at 469nm550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod550omaod550210207210210Total Organic Matter Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod670ssaod550210214210208Total Sea Salt Aerosol Optical Depth at 670nm550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    soaod550215226Secondary organic aerosol optical depth at 550 nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    aod865suaod550210215210212Total Sulphate Aerosol Optical Depth at 865nm550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    bcaod550niaod550210211210250Nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550 nmBlack Carbon Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an an + fc sfc
    duaod550amaod550210209210251Ammonium aerosol optical depth at 550 nmDust Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an an + fc sfc
    pm1210072Particulate matter d < 1 umsurface concentration
    omaod550pm10210210Organic Matter Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated210074Particulate matter d < 10 umsurface concentration
    fc an + fc sfc
    ssaod550pm2p5210208Sea Salt Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    soaod550215226Secondary organic aerosol optical depth at 550 nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    suaod550210212Sulphate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmvertically-integrated an + fc sfc
    niaod550210250Nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550 nmvertically-integratedan + fc sfc
    amaod550210251Ammonium aerosol optical depth at 550 nmvertically-integratedan + fc sfc
    pm1210072Particulate matter d < 1 umsurface concentration
    pm10210074Particulate matter d < 10 umsurface concentration
    pm2p5210073Particulate matter d < 2.5 umsurface concentration
    210073Particulate matter d < 2.5 umsurface concentration
    aermr01210001Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr02210002Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr03210003Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr04210004Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr05210005Dust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr06210006Dust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr07210007Hydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr08210008Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol aermr01210001Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr02aermr09210002210009Hydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr03aermr10210003210010Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr04aermr11210004210011Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr05aermr16210005210247Nitrate fine mode aerosol mass mixing ratioDust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr06aermr17210006210248Nitrate coarse mode aerosol mass mixing ratioDust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr07aermr18210007210249Ammonium aerosol mass mixing ratioHydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr01aermr08210008210001Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr09aermr02210009210002Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Hydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr10aermr03210010210003Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr11aermr04210011210004Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr16aermr05210247210005Dust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing RatioNitrate fine mode aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr17aermr06210248210006Dust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing RatioNitrate coarse mode aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr18aermr07210249210007Hydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing RatioAmmonium aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcfc ml + pl
    aermr01aermr08210001210008Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr02aermr09210002210009Hydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr03aermr10210003210010Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr04aermr11210004210011Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr05aermr16210005210247Nitrate fine mode aerosol mass mixing ratioDust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc fcml + pl
    aermr06aermr17210006210248Nitrate coarse mode aerosol mass mixing ratioDust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc fcml + pl
    aermr07aermr18210007210249Ammonium aerosol mass mixing ratioHydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc fcml + plaermr08
    aermr19210008210252Biogenic secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fc fcml + pl
    aermr09aermr20210009210253Anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fc fcml + pl
    aermr10210010Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr11210011Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratioconcentration in airan + fc ml + pl
    aermr16210247Nitrate fine mode aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr17210248Nitrate coarse mode aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr18210249Ammonium aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr19210252Biogenic secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    aermr20210253Anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratioconcentration in airan + fcml + pl

  • Expand

    short nameparameter IDnametype of variabletype of data (an,fc)type of level (pl,sfc,ml)
    gtco3210206GEMS Total column ozonevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c2h6218045Total column ethanevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c3h8218047Total column propanevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c5h8218016Total column isoprenevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_ch4218004Total column methanevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_hno3218006Total column nitric acidvertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_no218027Total column nitrogen monoxidevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_oh218030Total column hydroxyl radicalvertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_pan218013Total column peroxyacetyl nitrate
    short nameparameter IDnametype of variabletype of data (an,fc)type of level (pl,sfc,ml)
    gtco3210206GEMS Total column ozonevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c2h6tcco218045210127Total column ethaneCarbon monoxidevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c3h8tchcho218047210128Total column propaneFormaldehydevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_c5h8tcno2218016210125Total column isopreneNitrogen dioxidevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_ch4tcso2218004210126Total column methaneSulphur dioxidevertically-integratedan +fcsfc
    tc_hno3h2o2218006218003Total column nitric acidColumn Hydrogen Peroxidevertically-integratedan + fcfc sfc
    tc_glyoxal218027218107Total column nitrogen monoxideof glyoxalvertically-integratedan + fcfc sfc
    tc_clo218030218174Total column hydroxyl radicalof chlorine monoxidevertically-integratedan + fcfc sfc
    tc_clono2218013218064Total column peroxyacetyl of chlorine nitratevertically-integratedan + fcfc sfctcco
    tc_hcl210127218200Total column Carbon monoxidehydrogen chloridevertically-integratedan + fcfc sfctchcho
    tc_HCN210128218226Total column Formaldehydehydrogen cyanidevertically-integratedan + fcfc sfc
    tcno2c2h6210125Total column Nitrogen dioxide217045Ethaneconcentration in airvertically-integratedan +fcsfcml + pl
    tcso2c3h8210126Total column Sulphur dioxide217047Propaneconcentration in airvertically-integratedan +fcsfcml + pl
    c5h8217016Isopreneconcentration in airtc_h2o2218003Total Column Hydrogen Peroxidevertically-integratedan + fc fcsfcml + pl
    ch4_c218107Total column of glyoxal217004Methane (chemistry)concentration in airvertically-integratedan + fc fcsfcml + pl
    c2h6co217045210123EthaneCarbon monoxideconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    c3h8go3217047210203PropaneGEMS Ozoneconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    c5h8hcho217016210124IsopreneFormaldehydeconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    ch4_chno3217004217006Nitric acidMethane (chemistry)concentration in airan +fcml + pl
    cono210123217027Carbon Nitrogen monoxideconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    go3no2210203210121GEMS OzoneNitrogen dioxideconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    hchooh210124217030FormaldehydeHydroxyl radicalconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    hno3pan217006217013Nitric acidPeroxyacetyl nitrateconcentration in airan +fcml + pl
    noso2217027210122Nitrogen monoxideSulphur dioxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    no2h2o2210121217003Nitrogen dioxideHydrogen Peroxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    ohc2h6217030217045Hydroxyl radicalEthaneconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    panc3h8217013217047Peroxyacetyl nitratePropaneconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    so2c5h8210122217016Sulphur dioxideIsopreneconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    h2o2ch4_c217003217004Methane (chemistry)Hydrogen Peroxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    c2h6co217045210123EthaneCarbon monoxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    c3h8go3217047210203PropaneGEMS Ozoneconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    c5h8hcho217016210124IsopreneFormaldehydeconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    ch4_cglyoxal217004217107GlyoxalMethane (chemistry)concentration in airan + fcml + pl
    cohno3210123217006Carbon monoxideNitric acidconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    go3no210203217027GEMS OzoneNitrogen monoxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    hchono2210124210121FormaldehydeNitrogen dioxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    glyoxaloh217107217030GlyoxalHydroxyl radicalconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    hno3pan217006217013Nitric acidPeroxyacetyl nitrateconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    noso2217027210122Nitrogen monoxideSulphur dioxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    no2h2o2210121217003Nitrogen dioxideHydrogen Peroxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    ohclo217030217174Hydroxyl radicalChlorine monoxideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    panclono2217013217064Peroxyacetyl Chlorine nitrateconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    so2hcl210122217200Sulphur dioxideHydrogen chlorideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl
    h2o2HCN217003217226Hydrogen Peroxidecyanideconcentration in airan + fcml + pl

  • Expand
    titleOther (lsm, z, density, uvbed, uvbedcs)

    short nameparameter IDnametype of variabletype of data (an,fc)type of level (pl,sfc,ml)
    lsm172Land-sea mask2D parameteransfc
    z129Geopotential2D parameteransfc
    uvbed214002UV biologically effective dose2D parameterfcsfc
    uvbedcs214003UV biologically effective dose clear-sky2D parameterfcsfc
    den3089Density3D parameteran + fcpl
    den3089Density3D parameteran + fcml
    lnsp152Logarithm of surface pressure2D parameteran + fcml
    z129Geopotential2D parameterfcml
    q133Specific humidity3D parameterfcml
    t130Temperature3D parameterfcml
    u131U-component of wind3D parameterfcml
    v132V-component of wind3D parameterfcml
    w135Vertical velocity3D parameterfcml



Due to the new compression method used, the GRIB file sizes vary much more than before. I In this table the numbers are averages.

* Please be aware that, the total volume will vary from one model run to the next one.

average file size (GRIB / NC)No. of fields per fileNo. of variablesNo. of files (GRIB or NC)Total size (GRIB)Total size (NC)
an_ml~ 82 MB/144 MB1373333~ 3 GB4.6 GB
an_pl~ 28 MB/28 MB253232~ 881 MB899 MB
an_sfc~ 1 MB/1.3 MB13030~ 33 MB38 MB
fc_ml~ 77 MB/44 MB137391599~ 120 GB68 GB
fc_pl~ 28 MB/8.3 MB25321312~ 35 GB10.7 GB
fc_sfc~ 1 MB/435 kB1333993~ 4 GB1.7 GB


163 GB*

87 GB


This document has been produced in the context of theCopernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of CAMS on behalf of the European Union (Delegation Agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.
