Synoptic overview
HRES z500 (contour) and T850 (shade).
HRES MSLP and 6-hour precipitation (following the time for MSLP).
Stamp map for MSLP +120h
Ensemble forecasts for MSLP. Left panels: Ensemble mean (contour) and normalised ensemble spread (shade). Right panels: HRES and ensemble spread.
Ensemble Plume
Forecast User Guide:
Forecast User Guide: Meteograms
Regime products
For background and discussion around different regime products, see:
Extended Range Weather Regime Frequency histogram
Forecast User Guide: Extended Range Regime Charts
Regime Chart
Forecast User Guide: Medium Range Regime Charts
Z500 clusters
Forecast User Guide: Clustering - ENS Medium-Range
Extra-tropical cyclone diagrams
Cyclone Feature Dalmatian plots for MSLP
Forecast User Guide: Extratropical Cyclone Diagrams
Cyclone Feature Dalmatian plots for max Snow
Forecast User Guide: Extratropical Cyclone Diagrams
Cyclone Feature front plots
Forecast User Guide: Extratropical Cyclone Diagrams
Reproduce z500,t850
Extreme forecast Index (EFI) and Shift of Tails (SOT)
Forecast User Guide: Extreme Forecast Index - EFI, and Shift of Tails - SOT
EFI and SOT for 2-metre mean temperature
EFI and SOT for 24-hour maximum wind gusts
EFI and SOT for 24-hour total precipitation
EFI for 2t, wg and tp