Versions Compared


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Comment: Parameters using ecCodes 2.31.0 added


31ciSea ice area fraction(0 - 1)
33rsnSnow densitykg m**-3
34sstSea surface temperatureK
47dsrpDirect solar radiationJ m**-2
50lspfLarge-scale precipitation fractions
57uvbDownward UV radiation at the surfaceJ m**-2
58parPhotosynthetically active radiation at the surfaceJ m**-2
78tclwTotal column cloud liquid waterkg m**-2
79tciwTotal column cloud ice waterkg m**-2
129zGeopotentialm**2 s**-2
136tcwTotal column waterkg m**-2
137tcwvTotal column vertically-integrated water vapourkg m**-2
145bldBoundary layer dissipationJ m**-2
146sshfSurface sensible heat fluxJ m**-2
147slhfSurface latent heat fluxJ m**-2
151mslMean sea level pressurePa
159blhBoundary layer heightm
16510u10 metre U wind componentm s**-1
16610v10 metre V wind componentm s**-1
1672t2 metre temperatureK
1682d2 metre dewpoint temperatureK
169ssrdSurface short-wave (solar) radiation downwardsJ m**-2
172lsmLand-sea mask(0 - 1)
175strdSurface long-wave (thermal) radiation downwardsJ m**-2
176ssrSurface net short-wave (solar) radiationJ m**-2
177strSurface net long-wave (thermal) radiationJ m**-2
179ttrTop net long-wave (thermal) radiationJ m**-2
180ewssEastward turbulent surface stressN m**-2 s
181nsssNorthward turbulent surface stressN m**-2 s
189sundSunshine durations
195lgwsEastward gravity wave surface stressN m**-2 s
196mgwsNorthward gravity wave surface stressN m**-2 s
197gwdGravity wave dissipationJ m**-2
208tsrcTop net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
209ttrcTop net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
210ssrcSurface net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
211strcSurface net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
212tisrTOA incident short-wave (solar) radiationJ m**-2
229iewsInstantaneous eastward turbulent surface stressN m**-2
230inssInstantaneous northward turbulent surface stressN m**-2
231ishfInstantaneous surface sensible heat fluxW m**-2
232ieInstantaneous moisture fluxkg m**-2 s**-1
235sktSkin temperatureK
238tsnTemperature of snow layerK
3062lsplarge scale precipitationkg m**-2
228029i10fgInstantaneous 10 metre wind gustm s**-1
228032asnSnow albedo%
228089tcrwTotal column rain waterkg m**-2
228090tcswTotal column snow waterkg m**-2
228141sdSnow depth water equivalentkg m**-2
228143cpConvective precipitationkg m**-2
228144sfSnow Fall water equivalentkg m**-2
228164tccTotal Cloud Cover%
228217ilspfInstantaneous large-scale surface precipitation fraction(0 - 1)
228218crrConvective rain ratekg m**-2 s**-1
228219lsrrLarge scale rain ratekg m**-2 s**-1
228228tpTotal Precipitationkg m**-2
231001fzraweAccumulated freezing rain water equivalentkg m**-2
231002roweRunoff water equivalentkg m**-2
231003esweSnow evaporation water equivalentkg m**-2
231005pevaPotential evaporationkg m**-2
260015ptypePrecipitation typecode table (4.201)
260121kxK indexK
260123totalxTotal totals indexK
260259evaEvaporationkg m**-2

Update (2023-0608-2631):

The following additional surface level parameters are now supported with ecCodes version of at least 2.3031.0.
The parameters are also provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:

titleParameter units
Please take care with units. Parameters marked in yellow are those that are typically disseminated in units "(0-1)" or "m" in the ECMWF operational output.

Layer-based fields

The parameters on "levtype=sol", i.e. those produced from layer-based models (such as soil and ice layers), on the O8000 grid are as follows:

260199vswVolumetric soil moisturem**3 m**-31,2,3,4
260360sotSoil temperatureK1,2,3,4

Model level fields

The parameters on model levels (1 to 137; with model level 137 representing the lowest height), on the O8000 grid are as follows:
