User group experiments
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Table: User group experiments. Experiment | Scientific content | Group |
control | OpenIFS 43r3 experiment at TCo399L137 resolution with 900 s time step using ERA5 as initial condition at 00 on 25 September 2019 (no scaling) | All groups | rad_0_NA_to | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo | rad_2_NA_top | Doubling the radiative tendency between 400 and 50 hPa over the North Atlantic | Jake, Leo | rad_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for radiative tendency between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss | all_0_Karl | Scaling to 0 for tendencies due to radiation, convection and cloud processes between 900 and 100 hPa over Karl | Arnaud, Lorenzo, Miriam, Mokhliss | con_0_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0 for convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim | con_2_Karl_48h | Doubling the convective tendency in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Irina, Lauri, Mika, Terhi + Joakim | con_0.5_def_24h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria | con_1.5_def_24h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency in the “default” box between 900 and 200 hPa in the first 24 hours | Guokun, Jian-Feng, Jun, Ying + Victoria | con_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin | con_1.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for convective tendency between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin | cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 0.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin | cloud_0.5_Karl_48h | Scaling to 1.5 for tendency due to cloud microphysics between 900 and 300 hPa in a box moving with Karl in the first 48 hours | Bethan, Federico, Marvin |
Table: User group experiments.