How to create Aviso event in ECPDS
Users with access to a destination in can use special options with mspds command to create Aviso notification for each file transfer.
An example of generating Aviso notification when sending file with mspds command
mspds -echost aux -destination {destinationName} -source {fileName} -event -metadata "event=dissemination,time={forecastBaseTime},date={forecastBaseDate},step={forecastStep}" -verbose -force
Key=value pairs in metadata of the above example are mandatory, i.e., time, date, and step must be specified because Aviso is configured for dissemination of forecasts only. In addition to keys provided in the example, one can also add optional keys such as class, expver, and stream.
How to configure Aviso for listening of the event created with mspds command
If your ECPDS destination is in you need to modify Aviso configuration file (default location ~/.aviso/config.yaml), notification and configuration hosts to point them to AUX:
username_file: ~/.marsrc/ key_file: ~/.marsrc/mars.token notification_engine: type: etcd_rest host: port: 443 https: true configuration_engine: type: etcd_rest host: port: 443 https: true schema_parser: ecmwf remote_schema: True auth_type: ecmwf
Next step is to define listener configuration file:
listeners: - event: dissemination request: destination: <destinationName> step: [1,2,3] triggers: - type: echo
Finally, you can start your listener as usual:
source {PATH_TO_MY_ENV}/myenv/bin/activate aviso listen listener_aux.yaml