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Dear all,
I sent am email to relative a retrieval problem of tigge-lam fields. Should I report the issue here instead?
Best regards.
I am trying to retrieve orography and land-sea mask from TIGGE-LAM portal for the different ensemble systems for one day in September 2014.
These 2 fields seem to be available only for COSMO-LEPS. Is this possible?
Thanks and best regards
I found the orography and land-sea mask fields of the TIGGE-LAM ensembles; they are stored with "type=control forecast"; previously, I was checking only "type=perturbed forecasts".
Sorry for the problem.
Andrea Montani
Dear all,
I sent am email to relative a retrieval problem of tigge-lam fields. Should I report the issue here instead?
Best regards.
Andrea Montani
Dear all,
I am trying to retrieve orography and land-sea mask from TIGGE-LAM portal for the different ensemble systems for one day in September 2014.
These 2 fields seem to be available only for COSMO-LEPS. Is this possible?
Thanks and best regards
Andrea Montani
Dear all,
I found the orography and land-sea mask fields of the TIGGE-LAM ensembles; they are stored with "type=control forecast"; previously, I was checking only "type=perturbed forecasts".
Sorry for the problem.
Best regards.