----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "endalkachew bekele" <endalkachew.bekele@noaa.gov<mailto:endalkachew.bekele@noaa.gov>>
To: "Frederic Vitart" <frederic.vitart@ecmwf.int<mailto:frederic.vitart@ecmwf.int>>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 November, 2016 16:28:57
Subject: Re: Trouble with handling ECMWF Reforecast data
> getpdstemplate: PDS Template 4.61 not defined.
I have used GRIB_API (version 1.14), to convert my GRIB2 file to netcdf.
“*gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound*"
error message for multiple member data.
Here is my ncdump output:
short tp(time,number, latitude, longitude) ;
and my control file is:
tp 0 t,y,x Total Precipitation
I am using GrADS 2.0.2 (relatively newer version).
Thanks again,
Content Tools
1 Comment
Richard Mladek
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Jennifer M Adams" <jadams21@gmu.edu>
To: "endalkachew bekele" <endalkachew.bekele@noaa.gov>
Cc: "Frederic Vitart" <frederic.vitart@ecmwf.int>, "Benjamin A Cash" <bcash@gmu.edu>, "Manuel Fuentes" <manuel.fuentes@ecmwf.int>, "Matthew Manoussakis" <makis@ecmwf.int>
Sent: Thursday, 1 December, 2016 15:37:42
Subject: Re: Trouble with handling ECMWF Reforecast data
Dear All,
I’m glad Endalk's question landed in the right inbox after a bit of a struggle. :-)
I have snipped out all but the relevant pieces of the email thread.
The new product definition templates 4.60 and 4.61 are not supported by GrADS 2.0.2, which I would describe as ‘relatively old’. Only the most recent build will handle S2S data in grib format: GrADS 2.1.0, released in June 2016. Using grib_api to reformat to netcdf is a good strategy if upgrading GrADS is not an option.
The “Index exceeds dimension bound” error message appears because the dimensions of the variable are not described properly in the GrADS control file. The ncdump coordinates are given as “time, number, latitude, longitude” and your variable declaration should therefore be “t,e,y,x”.
Endalk, if you have further problems using this data with GrADS, you can reply to the thread you started in the gradusr forum and I will follow up with you there.