Hi all,
I would like to change the Single column model source code in order to run the model with constant and fixed radiation from the sun, avoiding diurnal cycle.
By looking at the source code for the radiation initialization SUECRAD, I noticed that there was a switch LPERPET with the caption ”perpetual run for radiation”. LPERPET = true seems to imply that the time counter to update the radiation stops and is never updated. Indeed the latter is called in the subroutine UPDTIM and in the subroutine UPDTIER, the subroutines to update time and radiation computation.
Furthermore I found this parameter to be connected with the aqua-planet model configuration (LAQUA).
LPERPET is set to true if another switch, LAPE, is set to true. Switching LAPE to true means changing the aqua-planet model configuration by keeping the insolation fixed.
How do we run the single column model in the LAPE configuration? Can we do it outside the acqua-planet configuration? Is this the way to keep the insolation fixed? Is there another way, maybe simplier?
Best regards,
Unknown User (nagc)
Hi Miriam,
Sorry not to reply sooner. Do you still need help with this?
Unknown User (nagc)
I believe you are coming for the NWP training course soon? In which case, contact Marcus and arrange to meet with some scientists at ECMWF.