A group of our students have been running the convection case study experiments (described here Convection case studies) and have changed to auto-conversion rate as described at the bottom of this page. Their results, and some investigation into the code, suggests that these code changes only affect the large-scale precipitation and that there is another parameter which affects the auto-conversion in the convective parameterization. First, is this correct? Second, the students would like to know where in the source code they can find the convection autoconversion coefficient (c0 in equation (6.36) of the Physical Processes documentation) so that they could change it?
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Peter Bechtold
all convection parameters are set in routine sucumf.F90 and the autoconversion rate =RPRCON
Peter Bechtold
I forgot, a lot of these parameters you an change simply in namelist namcumf
so please also check file ifs/namelist/namcumf.nam.h for a list of parameters already in the "Name list"