OpenIFS user meeting: 4-6 June 2013, University of Helsinki.
Second call
OpenIFS is an ECMWF led project to provide an easy-to-use and exportable version of the IFS forecast model. Use of the OpenIFS is gradually increasing in research and academic groups in Europe. This meeting will bring together OpenIFS users and developers to share experiences, discuss plans, and learn more of the OpenIFS in practical sessions.
User presentations are most welcome, and can be included into the programme.
The programme consists of a day of presentations with a keynote presentation by Prof Erland Kallen, ECMWF, and two workshop days using OpenIFS to run and visualize case studies of Hurricane Sandy.
Meeting programme (PDF)
University of Helsinki, Department of Physics and Finnish Meteorological Institute (Kumpula Campus; www.helsinki.fi/kumpula).
The seminars will be held in the Finnish Meteorological Institute (Dynamicum building) and the practical exercises in the University of Helsinki, Department of Physics (Physicum building). On Tuesday 4th, please come directly to Dynamicum.
The locations of the buildings are shown on this map: http://www.helsinki.fi/kumpula/kuvat/Kumpulakartta.pdf
Support to cover local costs (accommodation, meals, local travel) is available on request.
The 6 and 8 trams stop very close to the Campus (tram stop: Kyläsaarenkatu, marked "A" on the above map). Numerous buses from the city centre also serve the campus (closest bus stop: Kumpulan kampus, marked E,F,G,H on the above map)
This user meeting is organised by the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.