Latest News - 18 October  2022: New home for the opencharts :

We have migrated our opencharts application to our new data centre in Bologna. 

 25 January  2022 : Jupyter notebooks available

We are providing Jupiter Notebooks for some of our plots: you can identify them with the Jupiter logo. 

They explain how you can get the data, which process we apply to them and how we visualise them.

25 January  2022: Precipitation type available

A new location based product is available: The precipitation type probability meteogram from any where on a map or on the location you prefer 

November 2021 : A new charset

A new feature, the ChartSet,  allows you to create a set of charts: once created you can visualise them together and change the common dimensions in one single selection. 

To get the best experience of this new feature, we have grouped the products sharing the same dimensions together. For example, you can choose  to combine  products from all the ones marked as Latest forecast.

But, let's have a tour : 

Change in the overview :

We have slightly changed the layout of the overview to align it to the Chartset layout.

Here is what we changed:

September 2021 : API is now available 

  • An API to automatically download products using standard tools such as curl or requests in Python: we welcome your feedback. 

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    Invalid license: Your Jupyter Viewer for Confluence license does not match the license for this installation. Please get the right license and try again.

  • An Overview functionality for comparing forecasts by dimensions

  • Improvements of choosing the location on Point base products (Meteograms, Plumes, EFI/CDF) including the recent 10 locations history and using current location

  • Small improvements in displaying long dimension names 

 May 2021:

  • Products can now be downloaded in PDF.

The new openchart application was launched in October 2020 

The application is quite similar to the old one, the new thing is the ability to share on social media.

On the forecast, you can click anywhere to access the ENSgrams products on that point. 

The next steps are to phase out the old catalogue, and we recommend users start using the new catalogue pages.  You have plenty of time to send us your feedback and report any missing functionality.

The ENSgrams products and in addition the vertical profiles have been integrated into the new catalogue and will replace the old ENSgrams application.

They can easily be accessed here.


  1. Hi! I miss the permalink option in this new catalog. It's extremly usefull and widely use.

    1. Hi Marcos Gomez-Molina,

      Thanks for your feedback, we are working on this, and should be available very soon.

  2. Bon jour Sylvie! Is there any news concerning the permalink option in the new catalog? Merci!

    1. Yes, it is coming on Monday the 6 of September 

  3. Unknown User (soq)

    Hi, we have the same request of a permanent link. Do you think it will be available soon ?

  4. Sorry , I missed your comment, but the API is coming next Monday (6/9)

  5. Hi, I guess this is related to the permalink requests mentioned above: it seems we cannot set a user generated title for an ENSgram for a specific location, unless the "city finder" in the options recognizes it. We look at e.g. EFHK (Helsinki-Vantaa airport):

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, you are right, it is no more possible to give a station name to an ENSgrams. With the ENSGrams opening to the general public, we wanted to avoid confusion or misuse of this feature. 

      As a possible solution, we may adapt our template and make it clear that it is a user annotation. We will study the feasibility. 

      Thanks again 


  6. Hi.

    It's great to have an option to automatically download products in new charts application.

    And it is working very well!

    Thank you for this!

    I have just one question.

    When downloading some products, for example ENS meteograms or Time longitudes diagram of ensemble mean (extended), what I get is an image with rather small product in the center with really big title and footer and with a lot of white (blank) space on the sides (as you can see in this example image). Actually, it looks more like a document, not like an image.

    Would it be possible to make the product itself bigger in the image, maybe with smaller title and less space for footer and much less white (blank) space on the sides? That way it would be easier (nicer) to reuse the product in our local apps.

    Best regards 

    1. Hi, 

      Thanks for your feedback, we will try to optimise the layout since, as you mentioned , we have a lot of white space. 
