Users of ECMWF forecast products are reminded that there will be some noteworthy changes in forecast behaviour when cycle 47r3 goes live on 12th October. Please check this web page for details: 47r3 Impact on Surface Weather representation. It has been updated today (11th October) with more information.
We are pleased to confirm the operational implementation of IFS Cycle 47r3 with the
06 UTC run, 12 October 2021
The upgrade will bring improvements to the assimilation and observations usage and a significantly improved physical basis for moist processes, necessary to facilitate further development of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) and future application at convection-permitting resolutions. The release candidate phase has been running in near real-time since 14 September. In a recent Webinar we explained the scientific background, its meteorological impact, and some new and revised products. Forecast users are recommended to read "47r3 Impact on Surface Weather representation", highlighting the changes with 47r3 in the characteristics of many frequently used forecast fields and products.
We would also like to remind you of a change to the “Master Tables Version Number”, affecting all parameters in GRIB 2, and encourage you to check your data processing with the test data provided as soon as possible ahead of implementation.
Detailed information can be found on the 47r3 implementation page. Please “watch” the page to get notified about further updates.