Dear reanalysis user,

We are excited to let you know that the long awaited ERA5T has now been released and is available from the Climate Data Store.

ERA5T provides preliminary data for ERA5 (successor of ERA-Interim) on a daily basis, with a 5-day delay from real time. This enables you to retrieve ERA5 data up to 5 days ago (much improved compared to the 2-3 months delay for the release of validated ERA5 data). Please note that ERA5T on model levels will be made available at a later stage.

Access to ERA5T is transparent: all you need to do is to extend the data request dates.

The nature of preliminary data implies that ERA5 data younger than 3 months has the potential of being revised in case of any issue found. If such issue were to be found however, it would be documented and communicated to users via email and on our User Forum. If you want to find out whether or not the data you downloaded contains ERA5T, you can follow the instructions described in the
ERA5: data documentation .

Copernicus User Support
ECMWF User Services


  1. Unknown User (

    Merci (smile)
    Cela va être un succès mondial !!!

  2. Please note that as this is a preliminary dataset there may be missing timesteps. These will be replace by the validated ERA5 data released a few months behind the current date.

  3. Great news, thanks!  We also have a keen interest in the model-level format of ERA5T.  Do you know the plans or schedule for model-level ERA5T? 

  4. Hello Mark,

    ERA5T model level data are not yet available via the CDS infrastructure. However, our understanding is that they should be available by Q2 2020.

    Hope that helps,


    C3S User Support

    1. Thanks Kevin, we look forward to that!  Best, Mark

  5. Hi,

    Will the pressure level and single level ERA5T data on the native model grid (the one downloaded from MARS as reanalysis-era5-complete) also be available in Q2 2020??


    1. Thank you.

      I fixed it!


  6. Will the near real-time data be available for ERA5-land dataset as well? At this moment (8/27/2020), it seems I am still only able to obtain data that are 2-3 months old through the CDS API for ERA5-land. Thanks!

  7. Hi Michela,

    Any news on when the ERA5T-Complete data will be released??

    In the Wiki post it says late summer 2020, which I guess is around now.


  8. Dear,

    I use ERA5 to drive my chemistry transport model. Is there any chance to get ERA5T available on model levels allowing me to run close to NRT? And what is the MARS label of ERA5T since I do the download using MARS and not CDS.

    Best regards,


  9. Hi Michela,

    A question regarding the ERA5 vs ERA5T difference: from the ERA5 documentation, "ERA5T data for a month is overwritten with the final ERA5 data". Am I correct to assume that this will not change the data at all unless there is an issue found during validation? I.e. is there a guarantee that the ERA5T and ERA5 data are the same unless there is some issue (and notification here/through email)?  I am slightly confused by the use of "overwritten" above. 

    Thank you!
