I would like to access data of several variables from the CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) dataset. Ideally, I would like to only download data for about 2000 specific points with lat/long coordinates over multiple years. I know ecCodes has the functionality of only extracting the data point that is closest to some user-specified point from a previously downloaded .grib file. However, I would still need to download a lot of unnecessary data. Is there any way to only download data for these points of interest or data that is closest to them? I hope this will significantly reduce ressources required for my machine and hopefully reduce stress on your end aswell.
Content Tools
Jim Bungener
I have the same problem and I have decided to solve it by making my area limits be a small square around the point I want.
If I make my size small enough, I only get onpe point returned but I am not sure this is a valid way to do it.
As in my function gets a lat and lon value and then does:
Jim Bungener
If this is correct/valid, what is the smallest box_size, I can get away with?