We are pleased to announce that the Climate Data Store (CDS) is being modernised to better manage the growing workload, surging computing demand and better serve its current and future users. This modernisation affects all layers of the infrastructure: the front-end web interface, the back-end software engine and the underlying cloud infrastructure hosting the service and core data repositories. The new modernised CDS is expected to be launched in Spring 2024.

While the modernisation process has up to now been transparent to users, it has reached the stage when data is being migrated onto the new infrastructure and this, unfortunately, is impacting services. This migration period will take weeks to complete, during which users should be expecting some disruption and degradation of service on the CDS such as:

  • longer queues
  • requests being cancelled
  • temporary closure of queues
  • requests failing with unusual error messages
  • catalogue temporarily offline

Relevant information (e.g. activation of new single sign-on ECMWF account) will be shared with CDS users nearer the time of the launch.

Users of the CDS Toolbox should however take note that the CDS Toolbox will be discontinued and will not be migrated to the new CDS infrastructure. New tool packages will be made available (post new CDS launch) to provide software tools for weather and climate workflows that simplify data access, analysis, visualisation and much more. 

We understand the inconvenience the disruptions are causing during this time. The CDS team is working hard at keeping disruption to a minimum. 

We will keep our users informed with the latest details on this announcement page. We therefore recommend users to "Watch" this page to receive email notifications of updates on this announcement.

We thank our users for their patience during this significant modernisation of the CDS which will enable exciting scientific developments and an overall better service to all ECMWF users.

CDS Team/ECMWF Support


  1. any changes foreseen for cdsapi?

  2. Is there any further update? I used to use this service on an AWS S3 bucket, but it has been fully retired:


    It would be great to see a similar approach taken at ECMWF, via an S3 bucket. Then I don't need to have jobs running just waiting in the queue.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. With Open-Meteo, I now started to redistribute ERA5 and ERA5-Land on AWS Open-data. Updated daily. For any time-series analysis, this works well.

      1. Ok that is great, I'll check it out. I think Open-Meteo is amazing btw (really, really amazing!!)

  3. How many days are still required to finish the migration?